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[Any Expansion] - How to change Starting Money / Increase gold to players at start


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MoP Premium
Superior Member
Simple but hopefully useful tutorials to contribute to people!

The tutorial shows how to change the amount of gold/money when you create a character.

Works on repacks as well, including Emucoach repack.

1) Head into your release folder (where you have your worldserver, authserver, and vmaps etc)

2) Find worldserver.conf and search for StartPlayerMoney

This will display as the following by default:
StartPlayerMoney = 0

3) Change this to whatever starting level you would want players to start at.
For example, if Cataclysm and you want them to start with a huge amount of gold, you simply replace it with:
StartPlayerMoney = 999999999999

Keep in mind, value 100 = 1 silver.

And change the value to whatever you'd like.

Simple, but handy.


Verified Member
I did similar when I first started with a private server, but soon found it removed all of the challenge/grind.. so settled for starting characters with around 5g - that way you get a boost for starting players, but don't remove the challenge of the grind/making money.