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Another bot suggestion (in anticipation of MoP v4)


Verified Member
So my partner and I started a couple of Dwarfs and we found it extremely problematic in Coldridge Valley as with the default setting of 25 bots, it was virtually impossible to complete a couple of the quests that required killing things as the bots were so numerous and would camp in a single spot and immediately take the kill. Being a low level mage and hunter we didn't have any instant attacks at the time. I ended up dropping the zone bot number to 8 just so we could deal with the issue and complete the quests. My suggestion for this is really, maybe have no more than 0-5 bots in beginner areas, and perhaps only have the higher numbers in areas where combat lasts longer and there are more things to kill.

We also found that the troll boss in a cave was being camped by one of the bots, I tried to use the server console to 'kick' them after they killed the boss for the 3rd time (they seemed to immediately draw aggro so we didn't have a chance) - but it didn't work, or it immediately re-logged. The way we worked around it was inviting the bot to our group, but then this highly aggressive Priest would continue to attack the passive trolls on the way out.

Now, I know v4 is on the cusp of being released and these issues may have been addressed, but if there's anything I can tweak today about playerbot behaviour in the meantime, that would be great! Most likely the server will be used throughout the day today (Aussie time)


Verified Member
Try to test it on V4 and see what you think :)
Hey man, appreciate your work. Unfortunately, there is still overcrowding and over-exhuberant killing in both the Blood Elf and Draenai starter areas. Haven't really had a chance to check out the other spots yet. I left it at the default of 25 NPCs per zone when I first updated.
I also noticed that Ironforge appeared to be deserted, but as above I haven't had a chance to check out other cities yet.

For now I've changed NPCs per zone to 8, and 40 for cities.


Verified Member

Just wanted to show an example of Sunstrider Isle and why it's a bit problematic :)
Hello everyone, I'm new here and have been lurking for a week or so after I found this initiative. Still not quite found my way to exactly where I download things to try it out but in any case thought I'd ask related to this thread - could you implement it such that it was possible to adjust max bot numbers per zone rather than globally? Seems that would help with over-population in some of these problem areas.