AmdWoW 2017+ || wwW.AmdWoW.Net ||
[Official AmdWoW]
[Official AmdWoW]
[Short History]
AmdWoW was known under these abbreviations as Damage WoW & Wrath WoW and was became live around july of 2006 under the following address raised by a Chinese developement team which brought the most wonderful world of warcraft fun server included their first custom membership ranks known as (Gold member, T3 member, Platinum member, Diamond membership, Celebrity member, Aristocrat and Supreme VIP) when they have been renamed lately to simply (vip1, vip2, vip3, vip4, vip5, vip6, vip7, vip8, vip9, vip10, vip11, vip12). Their population started to increase extremly and last until 2013 when development team became inactive and server was transfered into the hands of some iranian boy that again failed to maintain the server which became unplayable alike.
[Server Presently Status]
New AmdWoW 2017+ started into new development from scratch using the newest freely trinitycore engine since May of 2017 and became live within September of 2017 maintained by a known old AmdWoW Fan known as AlexeWarr from Heroes Realm 2.43 during the time he experiences 4-5 years of (C++, Lua, MySQL).
We currently support 1x "Realm @City Warr PvP & Pve" mix of 3.3.5 and 2.4.3 realms
We have been able to reproduce most of the AmdWoW experience and we still work under pressure!
[Currently Open Positions]
- We are looking for 1 professional Game Master; You will start as trial until we gain your trust and examinate your experience; It is necessary to have previous Game Master experience and ability to use trinity based | GM commands; You will have the oportunity to get rewarded ingame with items and donation points for your services.
- We are looking for 1 web designer who can create us a FusionCMS based theme; Previous experience and portofolio is required; Payment is handled through paypal after services has been fulfiled.
[Useful Links]
- Main Page:
- Community:
- Discord:
[Latest Server Updates]