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Alliance NPCs in Gadgetzan and Booty Bay attack Horde Player Pets


Gold Supporter
2 Similar bugs in 2 separate Neutral towns:
  • [Location, Faction, Race] Undead, Warlock, Booty Bay
  • [Name, Type] Airwyn Bantamflax, Explorers League, Alliance - in the building right next to Fin Fizracket, the door is next to the ramp up
  • [Problem Description] This NPC attacks any Horde pets that are summoned - tried with Hunter and Mage pets as well, but does not attack player if no pet is summoned
  • [How it should work] NPC should not attack summoned player pets

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Undead, Warlock, Gadgetzan
  • [Name, Type] Kelsey Steelspark, Gnomeregan Covert Ops, Alliance - next to the Noggenfoggers on the south-side of Gadgetzan
  • [Problem Description] This NPC attacks any Horde pets that are summoned - tried with all Warlock pets, the Hunter pet and the Mage water pet - does not attack player if no pet is summoned
  • [How it should work] NPC should not attack summoned player pets

To note: This only happens with the Alliance NPCs. I created Alliance toons and the Horde NPCs in these same locations do NOT attack the Alliance players pets
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