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All quests available from the beginning


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Hi people, I have a question regarding repacks (i.e. the EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack).

Is there a way to delete the chain/link between quests, so I can accept quests though I didn´t complete the previous ones? A example: In the 4.3.4 Repack I´m stuck at Silverpine Forest, because there isn´t a script working. Because of this I don´t get more quests in this zone so I have to level in the Northern Barrens. And when you play with high experience rates and you could already go to the next zone you sometimes can´t because you need the quest that activates the others (very bad when you want to play a Undead). I think that sort of quest chains came with Cataclysm and it sucks. I hope I can change something within HeidiSQL so I can choose which quests I do. Help would be appreciated.

Mr. Satan

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Hi people, I have a question regarding repacks (i.e. the EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack).

Is there a way to delete the chain/link between quests, so I can accept quests though I didn´t complete the previous ones? A example: In the 4.3.4 Repack I´m stuck at Silverpine Forest, because there isn´t a script working. Because of this I don´t get more quests in this zone so I have to level in the Northern Barrens. And when you play with high experience rates and you could already go to the next zone you sometimes can´t because you need the quest that activates the others (very bad when you want to play a Undead). I think that sort of quest chains came with Cataclysm and it sucks. I hope I can change something within HeidiSQL so I can choose which quests I do. Help would be appreciated.

Just use commands to complete the quest.
I believe to get the quest id, its:
.lookup quest "quest name here"
- or something similar to that.
Then there should be a list of quests (1 or 2, depending on how exact you typed it, plus how many similar named quests there are). If there is only 2, that's because 1 of them is the Horde quest, and the other is the Alliance quest.
Find the one that says "(Active)" next to it, and that's the quest/questID you're looking for.

Now enter the command:
.quest complete "questIDhere"

Use this to complete a quest, then the next quest in the line should pop up with the questgiving NPC.


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Senior User
In addition post the quests that are broken either in part or all together.
That way someone can look at them.

I am currenty leveling in night elf starter area and keeping a log of the issues. If they are DB related I well attempt to update and share the SQL fixes.
If core related I will detail out in a post so someone else can look over them.

Remember: Finding a bug and reporting it is the first step to fixing it.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
ADDITIONAL note here guys. At times using .quest complete will NOT always complete the quest as at times clicking the NPC is required to get the reward, and progress on. In this case you need to additionally type .quest reward | This additional command will almost always allow you to continue. I have did quest lines that were taken out pre-WOLK even this way before to gain an achievement, or title just to see if it worked. Often the actual quest were still in the DB, and it worked. So at times it may be | .quest add | .quest complete | .quest reward | Additionally, a lil googling/browser searching can often reward you with the entire detailed quest line, and at times even the ID# of each quest "less DB searching/typing." :)
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Veteran Member
It just annoys me, you almost always have to complete ALL quests to get the other ones (in a outpost for example). I hate the "Hero´s Call Board" and "Warchief's Command Board". Look at a WOTLK or Legion repack there you can accept many quests from the beginning given that your level is high enough.


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Barryton Michigan USA
Well, The reason that those repacks show so many quests at once, Is because the developers have not filled in the information in quest_template for PrevQuestId, NextQuestId, and NextQuestIdChain properly. On most of those servers that information is almost entirely missing, So what happens is all the quests show up at once, Because they don't rely on any previous quests anymore before they can be taken by players. This is sheer laziness on the part of the developers, And should never be excused because their too busy. It's a simple fix.

Yeah this sounds cool, Like the old wrath days, But it's really very bad for the players. Because a lot of quest chains are using phasing, Which is like being moved from one dimension to another in the same world. So if quest one, is meant to be done in phase 1, Which is where were usually at. That's fine.
The problem is that you also took quest two, Which put you into phase 2, So now when you run out into the field to kill those bears, Their gone. And so are all the npc's and other creatures. Because their all back in phase 1 where they belong, But your in phase 2, And cannot complete that quest. So your stuck only doing quest two in phase 2, And hopefully once it's done you can get back to phase 1 to do the first quest.
But that doesn't always happen. Some quests will leave you in that modified phase forever. So your screwed. A GM can .modify phase on you, But the results aren't always what you want.

Yes, I have a hard time remembering those bulletin boards with all the quests on them. And only having one to three quests at a time makes me feel stupid and insulted. But there really isn't a safe way around that other than doing .lookup quest .quest complete with a gm all the time. In which case you may as well play a gm.

Back in TBC you got tons of quests with very little reward, And people loved it. These days you have these panty waists that want to play for an hour and get twenty levels. So the game is severely dumbed down and easy. In cataclysm it wasn't so bad. You still have the good talent system, So that's a plus. And a lot of the really bad grinding quests were lightened up. But they didn't just hand you the whole game either. So it's kind of a tradeoff, And is exactly why my wife and I chose this version to play.


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It´s just bad for non-blizzlike exp rates. How can I replace all numbers with 0 or just delete all numbers in those 3 columns? I use HeidiSQL and I think you can only search and replace there. It takes so long. Also deleting the columns give me errors when starting up worldserver. Maybe there´s a way to let it ignore the missing info.
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Veteran Member
Now I have a problem with phasing. .modify phase is just temporary, how to change phase permanently? Please help me.

Problem solved. But I still want to delete quest chains. Having more variety. I don´t want to follow a strict path.
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