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Aincraft - (3.3.5) L19 Twink [Alpha Test]


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Welcome to a newly forged story.

This server is a manifestation of brilliant design and by the hands of hard work. It is my pleasure to announce the soon to be released new realm set under the icy clouds of Alterac Valley. Where the Alliance & Horde wage fierce war upon one another.

Gather your allies and embark together through the cold tundra and obtain unknown treasures!

This world is occupied by different beasts and savage ghouls who wish to tear you to pieces. However, fear not for when you enter inside the gracious armory will provide free of charge some starting equipment for you and weapons to protect yourself!

Persevering through combat to excel among your peers is the challenge that awaits. We currently have a 100% PvP focused Server and at beta launch all players will start with T.25. Our goal is to place 4 bosses in Alterac Valley whom will be custom scripted like no other experience you have ever seen. These epic fights will drop High-Level Enchants and other delicious items. Gather the tenacious spirit to saddle up and face any challenge that you encounter.. Or Die!

Gear Scaling

All players will start with the same gear stat allocation. T .25 is still in the process of complete balancing and thus to test currently we have Tier Uncommon that can be bought with free gold from the Spell Trinket Vendor. Once we feel ready to release T.25 the Beta will launch and we will wipe all characters. Our mission is to create an intensely focused PvP Server where everyone is on the same battleground.


Transmogrification is not currently included in the game possibly might in the future. However, we feel this feature ruins a systems progression and the player's reputation among his peers. Armor is like a badge and should be worn around proudly expressing your hard work and achievement. We do intend to make cosmetic progression items that are the same stat equivalent with starting gear to ensure balanced PvP for newcomers and seasoned veterans. We are open to further changes of this based on the communities involvement.

Riding Mounts

Mounts will be accessible in the beginning for all players at a base speed of 60%. Alterac Valley is just large enough that we feel it is required to incorporate mobility. There will be opportunities to purchase 100% mounts via PvE content "Bosses", Treasure Chests or Honor/Arena.

Balanced for Competition

Our server has competitively balanced our classes and strive to hear the feedback of our players to understand what really balanced means. Unfortunately, we can not kill every other class. Some classes will have superior natural ability towards ours as our own class will dominate other certain classes. Please keep this in mind when offering suggestions.

All Races / All Classes

If you ever have wished to be any Race and play any Class then we believe this feature is a must for our custom server. This opens new doors that some people have never before experienced and we hope it brings a lot of joy to our players as it brings to us. All classes have been custom edited to have their appropriate abilities. For example Blood Elf warriors have arcane torrent that restores rage. In order to have access to this a patch will be required in your data folder.

Death Knights

We have also produced a patch to celebrate the balanced arrival of a formidable foe. Enter the Alterac Valley as a 19 Twink deathknight and experience what it feels like shredding your enemies with your Wintergrasp! All Spells & effects have been modified and reduced for balanced PvE/PvP.

PvP Focused | Open World PvP all in One Sandbox Experience

To avoid the likely-hood of one faction dominating the other we have enlisted open FFA PvP flag for Alterac Valley. What does this mean? As soon as you step outside your home base sanctuary Horde can attack Horde and Alliance can attack Alliance. We did this so it doesn't matter which side has more players, anybody can kill anyone.


As of opening Professions will not be released. We have an exclusive plan for professions that engage players consistently and make this component of the game an important and fun factor. Our idea is to utilize gathering professions such as Herbalism, Mining and Fishing as tools to acquire enhancements. For example picking up herbalism, you will travel through Alterac Valley in search of herbs. However, upon looting you will be surprised that herbs don't drop plants but instead enchantments, or potions. We believe this creative idea will invite players to roam across the icy plains in search of equipment upgrades and consumables. This is currently in development but will be available at Full-Launch.

Custom Talent Trees

At level 19 the talent trees are not really proficient at allowing players to customize their play style. We believe in a custom talent tree that provides a unique taste and the dire choice of making a decision for 1 unique spell. Talent trees in conjunction with our spell trinket feature will thus grant our players 3 higher level abilities. No matter what path you choose there will be a hard decisions to make. What will you choose?

No Pay 2 Win

We Do NOT have a Pay 2 Win System. This aspect is horrific for a progression world and we strive to make sure all players fight on the same ground!

No Cross-Faction, FFA OPEN PVP

We feel strongly that the Alliance & Horde have a deep hatred toward each other and all heroes who betray their cause. We are excited to test FFA allowing both sides ruthlessly compete for total world domination against all.

C++ Scripted Monsters & Events

Scattered throughout the valley we have a selection of native beasts to the land as well as 4 Bosses. Located near each respective base is the T .25 Dungeon and closer towards the center field of strife are two dungeons for experienced players who can fight for T .5. All bosses will have in depth custom C++ scripted encounters that will send shivers down your icy bones. Be careful the beasts in Alterac Valley will not be hunted so easily. Explore the world and all it has to offer and do not be afraid to Die!

Arena PvP

At each sides Base the Arena Battlemaster will humbly receive your team to participate in the games if you believe you have the might for it! There will be 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 Arena open for registration.


Opportunity for PvP battle royale will be accessible to our players. Honor rewards for equipment will be obtainable if you choose to focus on a PvP route. The equipment is the same for PvP/PvE. The choice is how you obtain it. We are extremely bored of Warsong Gulch and have decided to initiate the call to arms for Eye of the Storm battle. No longer will Druids or Shaman flag running leave players bitter. Fight for caps and defend to win!

Spell Trinkets

Being a 19 twink can sometimes feel limited with the very acute spell selection. Therefore we are proud to declare the tremendous custom upgrade for all classes where we have specially hand picked spells that will be imbued onto special trinkets that can be purchased with gold. For example: Druids can choose Tiger’s Fury, Rebirth, Innervate, or Cyclone. At the release we will have the 4 primarily most needed selection of spells for each class and edited for balancing.

Some of you may be wondering what will happen to your insignia of the Horde/Alliance trinket? Our answer is Tabards will now be the new slot for PvP Insignia Trinkets.


Future Development will expand on factions to increase in order to gain access to faction only items.

Personal thoughts from the server Dev

First of all, I just want to say that this is the kind of feedback every developer dreams of getting. All your input is spot-on and phenomenal, and I want to do two things with it.

1. I'm going to respond to your post regarding things I've already considered and my plans to fix them, so that both your concerns and my ideas are available publicly.

2. I'd like to set up a time where we can chat before I overhaul the talents so we can go into more specifics about each of the classes and their decisions. Anybody else is welcome to join and I'll be posting the time once you and I figure out a time that works for both of us. Expect a PM.



The abundance of talents relying on critting is more of an issue with gear which I'm currently in the process of revamping. I expect players to get up to almost 25% crit with the basic gear if they choose to itemize for it, which will make a LOT more specializations viable. Your concern is valid, but I'd wait for the gear overhaul to determine whether or not it needs to be changed.

Mana Regen Issues

This may prove to be an issue, but it's something that I believe will be fixed by correct itemization options (aka the gear overhaul). Gear will have unique mana regeneration outlets that minimize these issues, as well as providing options for casters to have a very large mana pool so they don't need to rely on talents to get their mana in a good place. Once again, we definitely need to revisit this if the gear doesn't solve the issues.

T3 Talents

The talent overhaul is basically going to be doing what you're describing: making sure you're not putting points in "dead talents". I think it's important to get a lot of feedback about each of the specs to make sure that each talent feels like a viable (if only in niche builds) option. I think this will be a work in progress as the server continues to evolve, and I'll want to make sure I get a ton of feedback for when I start fixing bugged talents and refining the trees.

Class Specifics:

- Trying to avoid giving access to upper level talent abilities since that's when things stop feeling twink. My current thoughts to solve these issues are:
- Arms - thought they were in a good place, open to suggestions
Fury - adding Titan's Grip as a T2 talent after fixing the crit bugs, also adding Slam as spell trinket
Prot - adding Shield Slam/Intervene as spell trinkets

- Seems pretty good to me too, I think it has a bunch of fun multispec options as well

- New itemization is going to help locks A LOT by providing them with extra armor and a big stam pool. Also considering adding Howl of Terror and a minified version of Death Coil (3 sec horrify -> 1 sec) to combat their issues with peeling.

- Feral: Thinking of changing the spell trinket's active for Cat Form to whatever their version of Ambush is so they have good burst, possibly adding another Cat/Bear Form ability as a trinket. New itemization will give this spec a lot more flexibility.
- Balance: Definitely adding Starfire as trinket.

- Having access to a high crit chance or haste will completely reshape the class I think. Considering adding Arcane Blast as a spell trinket to supplement the arcane tree.

- Agreed. Although beast mastery is a little boring at the moment, going to be adding custom pet talent trees to make Exotic Beast Mastery a worthwhile talent.

- I think Priest is actually in a pretty good place, Shadow will hurt a lot with access to crit and hit, Holy has a lot of utility, and Disc will be very good place once it has a good mana pool in conjunction with teammates. Will revisit in the future if they lag behind.

- Definitely going to fix Frost Shock. Elemental will benefit massively from new itemization, and I'm going to add Windfury Weapon spell trinket to make 2H enhance viable. Resto MAY eventually need Riptide to be worth it, but a lot of people have said Shamans are very good so I want to be careful.

- Considering adding poisons but giving access to only of them at a time. They're the trickiest to balance honestly I'd rather them stay a little underpowered given their massive utility and how well they fare in arenas and bgs. Deadly Brew will obviously allow Assassination rogues to have 2 poisons on application, in that case.

- I think the nerfs put them in a really good place too.

Thanks again, so very much for laying this all out! Adding Hunter/Druid missing skills to bug list.

Update (1/30/2016)

As Alpha Testers, We appreciate all your help in making this server the best that it can be. Therefore we have added 2 ALPHA ONLY ATTAINABLE Tabards that can be bought with Honor.

For Alliance: Honor Hold Tabard
Cost: 30,400 Honor Points

For Horde: Thrallmar Tabard
Cost: 30,400 Honor Points

Accessible to both is the Contest Winner's Tabard
Cost: 3000 Honor Points

These tabards will only be achievable during this Alpha Test. Once you acquire yours please take a screenshot of your character wearing the tabard and post it in the community forum so that when the Beta is launched and all Characters wiped, you will have your permanent non-obtainable tabard. -Aincraft

Thank you for your interest in Aincraft. We invite you on this adventure and hope we all will reminisce in the future about the time we played on Aincraft.

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