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Greetings Travelers!
We've upgraded our PTR Reward Program:
Every player who praticipate at our PTR Legion Realm will get a following rewards, if they complete the following tasks:
Phase 1
Reached Level 90 with minimum one character, and posted atleast 3 Reports
- Transmog Items (Cosmetic)
- Horde Strongbox (link), Alliance Strongbox (link), Crown of Eternal Winter (link)
- Mount:
- Imperial Quilen (link)
- Pet:
- Lucky Quilen Cub (link)
- Other Currency:
- +20 Credit to their Account
Phase 2
Reached Level 100 with minimum one character, and posted atleast 5 Reports
- Transmog Items (Cosmetic)
- Hood of Hungering Darkness (link)
- Mount:
- Reins of the Dread Raven (link)
- Pet:
- Dread Hatchling (link)
- Other Currency:
- +30 Credit to their Account
Phase 3
Reached Level 110 with minimum one character, and posted atleast 10 Reports
- Transmog Items (Cosmetic)
- Jewel of the Firelord (link)
- Mount:
- Stormwind Skychaser (link), Orgrimmar Interceptor (link), Reins of the Illidari Felstalker (link)
- Pet:
- Nibbles (link)
- Other Currency:
- +50 Credit to their Account
Important information about the rewards:
The reward programs phases are only works for a specific dates. When the Phase 1 finished, new players can't collect the rewards from it (and this is the same case for the higher Phases) and so on, BUT if you are a participant all of the Phases (or just some of them) you are able to collect the rewards from the specific Phase (for example: You play with P1 and completed the tasks, but you skipped the P2, and continued at P3 and finished it, you will get the rewards from P1+P3).
Every rewards will send out if the PTR server finished the P3 and our PTR realm goes LIVE.
Additional note:
- Every characters will wiped (deleted) from our DataBase when the realm goes LIVE.
- The rewards will delivered after the Launch, but within the first week.
PTR Realm Schedule
- Phase 1 (from March 1 to March 15)
- Phase 2 (from March 15 to April 3)
- Phase 3 (from April 3 to May 4)
Q. Whats the rates on the server?
- Default server-wide XP rate: 1x
- (Can be changed in-game (to: 2x, 3x) by visiting to: Truth at every starting zones or the Alliance / Horde Capital)
- Item drop rate: 3x
- Reputation gain: 1x
- Gold reward from drop (below 110): 3x
- Gold reward from drop (at 110): 2x
- Gold reward from quest (below 110): 3x
- Gold reward from quest (at 110): 2x
Q. How can I play at the server?
A. Previously asked questions or for further information regarding server visit
Q. Is there any unique function on the server?
A. We have a special in-game item, known as: Loot Crate. You can obtain this item around Azeroth by killind creatures.
This item contains every Mounts, Pets and Toys from our Store.
This items drop rate is: 1x
Q. Can I buy in-game gears at your Store?
A. NO! You can't buy any in-game items from our store which gives you an upper hand compared to the other players. We only offers Vanity items. You can find some examples from our Store Categories here:
- Vanity Item - Pets
- Vanity Item - Toys
- Vanity Item - Mounts
- Vanity Item - Tabards & Shirt
Join today you won't regret the true Legion experience!