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A Few quest issues


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Veteran Member
First of all please do not take this thread as complaining as I am about to list 7 quests that are bugged. A few people in my guild from LOTRO are testing the crap out of the repack doing every quest etc and have been sending me bug reports. Since we use this repack to fill our raid itch when waiting for new raid content in other games we figured this was our way to help contribute to the development side.

Quests: (Horde) the quests are part of the Faction quest chains to gain access to their quartermasters and rep (Factions are listed next to quest).
1. Cold Hearted (Faction: Sons of Hodir) Lich King
- When rescuing drake and prisoners, you can mount the drake without an issue and free the prisoners, up to 3 at a time, the drake goes to auto pilot to return to quest giver for credit, but when you get close they disappear, but you do not get any credit for 1 drake and 3 prisoners. I was still unable after multiple attempts and soft log to character select screen.
2. Master of the Charge (Reavers/Argent Crusade) Lich King
- Cannot get credit for advice from appropriate NPC, and cannot proceed.
3. Master of the Shield Breaker (Reavers/Argent Crusade/Tournament) Lich King
- Cannot get credit for advice from appropriate NPC, and cannot proceed.
4. Master of Melee (Reavers/Argent Crusade) Lich King
- Cannot get credit for advice from appropriate NPC, and cannot proceed.
5. It’s all Fun and Games (Knight of the Ebon Blade) Lich King
- Cannot get credit for destroying the Oculus
6. Scourge Tactics (Argent Crusade) Lich King
- Crusaders in quest area are not webbed and unable to free them for credit.
- Side Note: the Ardent Crusade Quartermaster “Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard” is missing.
7. Beating the Market (Dragonmaw Clan) Cataclysm
- Unable to get credit for intimidating forman

Note on "Beating the Market" after a soft log attempt 3 and dismissing companion, I received credit for Intimidating forman and was able to complete the quest, might have damaged him too quickly