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[7.1.5] AsterionWoW - Level 20 Twink Server | Arenas, BGs, World Bosses and Dungeons!


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Hey there!

we are the Team of "AsterionWoW" and we plan to open our Legion Realm.
Where we offer some custom coded stuff and much much more.

What do we offer at "Asterion"?

-> Level 20 Twink PvP
* Arenas, BGs and Open World PvP
-> Level 20 Twink PvE
* Dungeons, World Bosses, Quests
-> All Mounts for Level 20!
-> Custom coded Legendary Equip for Level 20
* For all classes custom gear!
-> Custom coded Bosses and World Bosses
* Where you can farm the Legendary Class gear.
-> and much more we are working at!

Also we are hard working at the Demon Hunter and the Deathknight
to make them able to play with level 20. But that is a future project.
Which is hard to develop.

The server is still in hard development and we work as much as we
can in our free time to make the PTR ready for all players.

You want to join us?!
Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/4MjkEpz
Join us to get updates and stay tuned!

The Website and also a Thread Design will come soon!
We only want to give some basic Informations of our Project
at the moment. So join us if you want!

Also we are hire some CMs. If you want to join our Team
simply contact "Asrael" at Discord!

Best Regards,
Asterion Team <3