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[6.2.4] Monster-WoW - 12x Warlords of Draenor


Verified Member

Welcome to Monster-WoW Server Ragnaros 6.2.4 Thread

Ragnaros Realm
Warlords of Draenor
Supported Patch 6.2.4
High Uptime
1 - 12x Rates (Adjustable ingame)
1000 Players Online Peak

Website: https://monster-wow.com/





More pictures: Monster-WoW.com Ragnaros Warlords of Draenor Realm - Album on Imgur

At Monster-WoW we are committed to provide you the best World of Warcraft experience. We need you to be with us, to help us deliver the best. MonsterWoW has 2 realms: Monster and Ragnaros. Our realms are constantly available and lag-free, professionally developed, maintained and secured. Powered by TrinityCore. Most abilities, spells, quests, dungeons and raids work flawlessly and Arenas and Battlegrounds are also working offering most feature rich Cataclysm content available. We believe in fair play and our team is devoted to make sure you get the best possible World of Warcraft experience for free.

Death Knights are working 95% as intended.
Druids are working 95% as intended.
Hunters are working 95% as intended.
Mages are working 100% as intended.
Paladins are working 95% as intended.
Priests are working 95% as intended.
Rogues are working 95%as intended.
Shamans are working 100% as intended.
Warlocks are working 95% as intended.
Warriors are working 95% as intended.

Working Battlegrounds.
Random Battlegrounds are available.
Warsong Gulch is available.
Arathi Basin is available.
Eye of the Storm is available.
Alterac Valley is available.
Strand of the Ancients is unavailable.
Twin Peaks is available.
The Battle for Gilneas is available.

Working Arenas.
Blade's Edge Arena is available.
Nagrand Arena is available.
Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
The Dalaran Arena is available.

Working and scripted Dungeons and Raids.
List of scripted bosses in the instances below.
Blackfathom Deeps available.
Blackrock Depths is available.
Blackrock Spire is available.
Blackwing Lair is Unavailable.
Dire Maul is available.
Gnomeregan is available.
Maraudon is available.
monster Core is available.
Ragefire Chasm is available.
Razorfen Downs is available.
Razorfen Kraul is available.
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is available.
Scarlet Monastery is available.
Scholomance is available.
Shadowfang keep is available.
Stormwind Stockade is available.
Stratholme is available.
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is Unavailable.
Temple of Atal'Hakkar is available.
The Deadmines is available.(Heroic not working! Normal version has heroic monsters inside it!)
Uldaman is available.
Wailing Caverns is available.
Zul'Farrak is available.

The Burning Crusade:
List of scripted bosses in the instances below.
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts is available.
Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs is available.
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls is available.
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth is available.
Black Temple is available.
Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit is available.
Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills is available.
Caverns of Time: The Black Morass is available.
Coilfang Reservoir is available.
Gruul's Lair is available.
Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts is available.
Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace is available.
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls is available.
Karazhan is available.
Magisters' Terrace is available.
Sunwell Plateau is available.
Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz is available.
Tempest Keep: The Botanica is available.
Tempest Keep: The Eye is available.
Tempest Keep: The Machanar is available.
Zul'Aman is available.

Wrath of the Lich King:
List of scripted bosses in the instances below.
Naxxramas is available.
Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctum is available.
Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep is available.
Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub is available.
Drak'Tharon Keep is available.
The Nexus: The Nexus is available.
Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme is available.
The Violet Hold is available.
Gundrak is available.
Onyxia's Lair is available.
Ulduar: Halls of Stone is available.
Ulduar: Halls of Lightning is available.
Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader is available.
Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron is available.
Icecrown Citadel: Forge of Souls is available.
Icecrown Citadel is available.
Wyrmrest Temple: Ruby Sanctum is available.

List of scripted bosses in the instances below.

Throne of the Tides available.
Blackrock Caverns available.
The Stonecore available.
Vortex Pinnacle available.
Lost City of the Tol'vir available.
Halls of Origination available.
Grim Batol available.
Zul'Aman available.
Zul'Gurub available.
End Time available.
Well of Eternity available.
Hour of Twilight available.

Highmaul 6/6


The Death Knight starting area is working 100%.
The Goblin starting area is working 100%.
The Not allowed word!ing area is working 100%.
Tol Barad Daily Questing area is working 100%.
The auction house is working.
Most Vehicles are working.
Most world events are working.
Most rare boss spawns are available.
Most creatures are scripted.
Most items are working.
Ore spawns are pooled according to Blizzlike standards.
Loremaster Title available.
Explorer Title available.
Arena Season Tournament Titles available.

Website, Forums and Other
Website: Monster Cataclysm 4.3.4
Forums: Monster WoW Cataclysm Forum - Index
Facebook: https://(fb link removed to possible scam)monsterwow
Twitch: monsterwowchannel
Youtube: Monster WoW Channel - YouTube


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Seriouly.. That sad to said by a other server owner but.. Monster is one off the best server I play on. And my server is base on you and your wait to be. Love you!