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6.1 Bugs by welzons crew


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1. westfall bruiseweed most say there being used
2.quest living the life is doable but quiet a pain as in wierd not really straight forward as it should be
3.charge spell seems to short or 100% agro to long one or the other as charge rarely works because they agro
4.quest murder was the case that they gave me is another wierd quest
5.westfall seems to be in phases maybe other areas as well but noticed most in westfall and creatures just disappear and friends as well till we run to them
6.quest vision of the past locks you in deadmines must hearth to get out
7.quest down with crushcog the spell targets you
8.redridge seems no quests there

more to come as we go through humans


Verified Member
the quest a job for the multi bot the bot doesnt follow you you have to drop the quest pick it back up for it to follow you. then once you turn it in the bot follows you till you move on to the next area.

the quest strike from above is incompleteable

you parry alot before you buy the ability to do so

there is hardly any respon angles

you can not skin aminals that have quest items on them

the drunken haze takes around 25-30 miuntes to wear off when a creature cast it on you

the paladin trainer in Thelsarmar will not train

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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the quest a job for the multi bot the bot doesnt follow you you have to drop the quest pick it back up for it to follow you. then once you turn it in the bot follows you till you move on to the next area.

the quest strike from above is incompleteable

you parry alot before you buy the ability to do so

there is hardly any respon angles

you can not skin aminals that have quest items on them

the drunken haze takes around 25-30 miuntes to wear off when a creature cast it on you

the paladin trainer in Thelsarmar will not train

While your bug reports are appreciated, please make a new bug report post. Especially since Welzon is reporting on bugs for the v6.1 repack, which is the current VIP version.


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sorry it does say my crew but sorry if it was confusing there are 4-5 of us and ive told them to report here any findings plus im getting them to sign up


Silver Supporter
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ok bugs i have found

alot of death angels missing all over mostly wetlands so far

for alchemy the stack of 5 bottles is the correct price but the game charges as if there are 5 being bought so its 5x the price

enchanting when a player puts gear into the no trade slot you cant enchant the gear there and you should be able to

cannot share quests

ty more to come
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ok bugs i have found

alot of death angels missing all over

for alchemy the stack of 5 bottles is the correct price but the game charges as if there are 5 being bought so its 5x the price

enchanting when a player puts gear into the no trade slot you cant enchant the gear there and you should be able to

cannot share quests

ty more to come

1) Can you possible list the zones? Or some of them? As it is now, it could be anywhere and would take quite some time for me to detect it.

4) I recall that part. I think it is only working if you are in same area. Will have a look. Remember to use the bug form :)


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Veteran Member
im not sure how to use the form unless it was a quest these points im making are i thought explained as clearly as i could i did forget to put wetlands in sorry for that and the share quest thing doesnt work at all i was standing beside my friend and nothing

oh and i know this doesnt go here but is there a respawn timer i find most critters respawn really fast not sure how to adjust that

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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im not sure how to use the form unless it was a quest these points im making are i thought explained as clearly as i could i did forget to put wetlands in sorry for that and the share quest thing doesnt work at all i was standing beside my friend and nothing

oh and i know this doesnt go here but is there a respawn timer i find most critters respawn really fast not sure how to adjust that

To use the forms for anything other than a quest, you would do something like these examples:

For reporting on respawn timers:
[Name, Type] Name of creature, Respawn Timer
[What it does] The npc spawns at (current rate here)
[What it should do] The npc should be spawning at (actual rate here)
Or, for the enchanting part:
[Name, Type] Enchanting in no trade slot, Enchanting/trade
[What it does] When a player puts the item in the no trade slot, you can't enchant it
[What it should do] The gear in that slot should be enchantable
Or, for the sharing quests:
[Name, Type] Can't share quests, Quests
[What it does] I can't share quests with anyone in my party, even if they're qualified for that quest
[What it should do] I should be able to share the quest with my friend

These are just examples, it's quite simple once you get it down.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
ok i can do that just kinda thought it was self explanitory but if thats what format you want you got it im going to mostly report on the general stuff do to if its a quest i would not know the solution as it what it is supposed to do and dont have time to look them all up as i work alot of hours and my days off i want to play lol

i cant make the blue stuff you did do i need to be able to do that as i dont know that stuff dont know how i made double post sorry im not smarticles when it comes to this stuff i play games thats what i do
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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ok i can do that just kinda thought it was self explanitory but if thats what format you want you got it im going to mostly report on the general stuff do to if its a quest i would not know the solution as it what it is supposed to do and dont have time to look them all up as i work alot of hours and my days off i want to play lol

i cant make the blue stuff you did do i need to be able to do that as i dont know that stuff dont know how i made double post sorry im not smarticles when it comes to this stuff i play games thats what i do

Don't worry, I deleted the first post, so it's fine.

As for the 'blue stuff', I'm assuming you mean the blue text, like this?
It's just changing the font color, you don't need to do it. It just makes it easier to see the tags, is all.