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[5.4.8] [EVENT] Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Fix


Verified Member
Hi all,

I made a fix for the Fishing Tournament in STV (Booty Bay) and I thought I'd share it. Tested and working fine on my end.
Used the VIP repack.

Event behavior:
- announce event: spawns NPC in IF and OG
- fishing pools spawn event (2 hours)
- npcs spawn event (3 hours)
- only 1 player can turn in the main quest

Fixes applied:
- fixed start/end times so event can run again
- removed duplicate/incorrect spawns for NPCs in OG, IF and BB
- added new event template so we can have the fishing spawns for 2 hours while NPCs need to be for up to 3 hours for turn ins.
- added smart script so only 1 quest can be turned in for main prize
- improved loot version for pools

SQL queries:

This is provided as is. It works on my end but let me know if it works on yours also.


Verified Member
@ExO Can you please change the tinyInt fields in the game_event related tables and entities? Right now using the eventEntry larger than 127 is not working since that is a smallInt actually. So for the event to work we can only have an id <= 127.

Thus my fix works but not with the current new event Entry.