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[5.4.8] Adding unspawned wild battle pets to your account (only tested on premium MOP V5)


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I was looking to tame a Darkshore Cub only to discover that they're not spawned into the world. After much research, I haven't figured out how to make that happen, nor am I sure if it's possible. At any rate, I still wanted that pet, so I figured out how to add it to my account.

This is the SQL I used along with an explanation for each of the fields:

INSERT INTO mop_characters.account_battle_pet (id, accountId, species, nickname, timestamp, level, xp, health, maxHealth, power, speed, quality, breed, flags) VALUES (15,505,508,'Jurgen',1742147758,1,0,152,152,13,10,3,4,0);

You will need to edit the query to work for your account. The field explanations follow below.

id - Pull up the account_battle_pet table and see what the last sequential id is. Increment that by 1 and you have the id to use. In this case, the last pet added had the id 14. So, +1 would make 15.

accountId - Your account id. You can find it in the mop_auth.account table.

species - A list of species IDs can be found here: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/BattlePetSpeciesID

nickname - what you want to name the pet, make sure to put within ''

timestamp - I don't believe this field is particularly important. I just copied and pasted a timestamp from another pet I'd tamed.

level = I set this at one to prevent any stat/leveling weirdness.

xp - I set this to zero.

For the fields health, maxHealth, power, and speed, I used warcraftpets.com to find the correct values. (Use the Search input at the top of the page to find the pet you want to add, click on the Battle Info tab, and it'll tell you what the correct stat values are.) Make to use the available toggles to select level 1 and the rarity you want so that it gives you the correct values.

quality -
1 = Common
2 = Uncommon
3 = Rare

*I'm guessing that 0 = Poor, but don't quote me on that!

breed - You can find the available breeds for the pet on the same warcraftpets page as before, off to the right of the stats. I haven't tested it, but I would think that you can put in whatever breed you want. I'm including a breed types list below. It includes both the male and female ids with male ids on the left side of the comma and female ids on the right. Just use the male id on the left side of the comma.

FYI: B = Balanced, P = Power, H = Health, S = Speed

B/B 3,13
P/P 4,14
S/S 5,15
H/H 6,16
H/P 7,17
P/S 8,18
H/S 9.19
P/B 10,20
s/B 11,21
H/B 12,22

flags - Just put zero.