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5.1 Bugs


Verified Member
Shadowfang Keep -- not spawned correctly at the start which prevents you from being able to get through door to continue in dungeon had to just delete it off my server to continue until its fixed:(

Ebon Hold
after you finish all the quest and return back to ebon hold the 3 trainers are missing 29194-frost / 28472- blood / unholy-29195
Death's Reach
the-will-of-the-lich-king once the phase changes and you have to take the flight down to it ports you to the other floor instead of down to where you have to go to the lich king.
massacre-at-lights-point there are no cannons on ship to complete this so only way to complete is autocomplete or grind 100 ELITES....
Burning Steppes
a-perfect-costume not working
prove-yer-allegiance table does nothing quest broke
scrapped-golems The golems arent dropping ANY of the quest items check and add the items to drop list or adjust rates. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
a-flare-fight its broken.. flares show nothing
wisp-napping cant capture wisps - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
its-time-to-oil-up oil broke,, cant complete - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
weeding-the-lawn enemies are green non attackable. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
fel-to-pieces PLEASE raise the drop rate of the quest items got 1 out of 30 kills so far...way too low
squirrely-clean the quest item doesn't work so cant cleanse the squirrels. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
hazzard-disposal quest item broke so cant attack enemy for completion
purity-from-corruption quest item doesnt work. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
twin-temptresses once you are charmed by one the twins and you kill them the quest is completed ... but the charm glitches you so that you run back and forward with out control you will have to logout to reset it .
break-the-unbreakable Can't get through the wall of fire quest item does nothing.
Dustwallow Marsh
spirits-of-stonemaul-hold clicking on the quest objects do nothing
whats-haunting-witch-hill quest wont register any of kills - FIXED
the-brood-of-onyxia Dra'zlib (4501) needs to be spawned - FIXED
challenge-overlord-mokmorokk you cant access the fight for Overlord
the-grimtotem-weapon totem doesn't work quest cant be completed
raze-direhorn-post quest item doesn't activate in North tent
1/11/16 just had a weird bug where i went to loot something got caught in loot animiation and game wouldnt let me get out i had to reset my game and when i was finally able to get back in i lost 15 min of progress.
simmer-down-now quest states you completed it but wont let you turn in.
Stonetalon -
nothing to report cause there's NO quest at all there..
Booty Bay
kill-collect all the quest mobs are green to be flagged to be killed
NPC Airwyn Bantamflax need flag changed she's (red) attack and horde thats get remotely close.
looks-like-a-tauren-pirate-to-me npc Rikqiz doesn't offer item and Npc Yancey is missing so quest cant be completed.
turning-the-brashtide quest needs to be scripted no npcs spawned
a-giants-feast half the quest works but NPC Whiskey Slim doesnt sell the crate of pupellyverbos item
The-final-voyage-of-the-brashtide cant be complete no enemies to kill avail
Cape of Stranglethorn
details-of-the-attack bloodsail order not able to be obtained - FIXED
backdoor-dealings quest broke
Stranglethorn Fever cant activate the quest to get the npc to spawn Mokk
Northern Stranglethon
Tiger Mastery sindall isnt spawned i had to do it maually.
Raptor-mastery mob quest item should be at 100% to 2 kills to get item.
Silverpine Forest
Please replace Lady sylvanas Windrunner npc in this area she is aggressive vs the horde and has 25 million hp im guessing the wrong version was used or she needs a flag adjusted. :confused:

Eversong Woods

Deactivating the Spire click on it nothing happens
powering our defenses use quest item it counts down says it complete but doesnt
missing npcs found in zone so far : Skymaster Brightdawn (id #44036)
Western Plaugelands
Andoral - weird bug went into house at (48,63) went into basement you automatically will die 3 seconds after entering there are no mobs in there at all. no matter what health at.

Hellfire Penn.
natural-remedies multiple copies of enemies spawn i counted 4 or 5 of each. FIXED
from-the-abyss Another quest where enemy npc are being over spawned as said before 4 or 5 copies of each. FIXED
arzeths-demise quest item incorrectly functions doesnt effect the npc as it should so you get no credit for killing him. (FIXED)
disrupt-their-reinforcements port xilus broke quest item doesnt affect it
the-foot-of-the-citadelSpawn multiple copies of boss and npc's once you plant the flag. (FIXED)

wanted-boss-grogak another quest item that doesnt drop on first try or maybe i have worst luck ever :confused: (FIXED)
a-spirit-ally another spawns too many enemies problem. not sure if this is a outlands problem cause so far i think ive only seen it in outlands so far. (FIXED)
as-the-crow-flies quest item doesn't turn you into crow
Daggerfen servants located at (24.1,27.4) at top of hut attack you and you cant attack them npc ids 188413 \ 188412
Prospecting Glitch - ive been getting blue\green items from prospecting at a decent rate.
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oil broke,, cant complete - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
weeding-the-lawn enemies are green non attackable. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
squirrely-clean the quest item doesn't work so cant cleanse the squirrels. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
purity-from-corruption quest item doesnt work. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
Fixed an issue where scrapped-golems weren't dropping ANY of the quest items. - Thanks to LKArthas!
wisp-napping cant capture wisps - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas

bloodsail order not able to be obtained - FIXED

I'll look into the rest now.

Stonetalon -
nothing to report cause there's NO quest at all there..

I couldn't confirm this. Had several of quests offered. You need to be more specific at this point.


Verified Member

oil broke,, cant complete - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
weeding-the-lawn enemies are green non attackable. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
squirrely-clean the quest item doesn't work so cant cleanse the squirrels. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
purity-from-corruption quest item doesnt work. - Fixed - Thanks to LKArthas
Fixed an issue where scrapped-golems weren't dropping ANY of the quest items. - Thanks to LKArthas!

bloodsail order not able to be obtained - FIXED

I'll look into the rest now.

Stonetalon -
nothing to report cause there's NO quest at all there..

I couldn't confirm this. Had several of quests offered. You need to be more specific at this point.

hmmm i didnt see any there ill take another look .. im questing in outland now so ill be adding more later today


Verified Member
It will be helpful if all the quest bug reports comes with the wowhead link ;)

which above don't have them besides the ones that are npc based in zone... mouse over them they all are wowhead links that i took time to look up... just sayin not sure what it is you want besides that.
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Silver Supporter
1. In the Raid - Firelands the Spider boss Bentillac falling under the earth after kill.

2. The Boss Shennox does not exist on any difficulty.

3. The Boss Lord Rhyolith properly drop any items

4. The portals in Dragon Soul are not working properly and a part of it is missing .
I know that it in the thread already but is , I mention it anyway

5. The Boss Occuthar doesent works.

6. The Boss Alizabel doesent works.

7. Allianz and Horde can talk and whisper together.

8. Allianz and Horde can join Group together and then Dungeons are bugged.

9. Orgrimmar are not Horde Terretorium its "Fighted terretorium"

10. in Icecrowncitadell raid the ship are not there and the npcs falling down

11. In Icecrowncitadell the last Spawn to Frozen Thron work, but the character spawns not high enough.. and falling down..

12. Black Temple, Illidan dont work... i talk with akama and then i go fight with him, fight with his adds and then he talk a little bit and nothing more...

If I can think of anything else I give modest
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Senior User
Superior Member
1. In the Raid - Firelands the Spider boss Bentillac falling under the earth after kill.

2. The Boss Shennox does not exist on any difficulty.

3. The Boss Lord Rhyolith properly drop any items

I fix this for 6.0 (1. In the Raid - Firelands the Spider boss Bentillac falling under the earth after kill.) a flag was set to prevent the falling, if properly killed

2. The Boss Shennox does not exist on any difficulty. Are spawned including the vendors from the start

3. The Boss Lord Rhyolith properly drop any items. --> All Boss Drops are corrected for the firelands check ----> http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?1522-EmuCoach-v-6-Release-VIP-ONLY-NOT-YET-RELEASED

Fixes to Firelands has been made: (Over 2000 affected rows in database)
Loot has been corrected - for 10 & 25 man Normal as well as 10 & 25 man Heroic.
On top of that, the spawns have been corrected and fixed further, and a few other adjustments have been made as well.

8. Allianz and Horde can join Group together ---> This you should check your worldserver.conf
This Part in concrete ------> This config has been set to their defaults so Horde and Alliance can't interact
# AllowTwoSide.Accounts
# Description: Allow creating characters of both factions on the same account.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar
# Description: Allow calendar invites between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat
# Description: Allow say chat between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel
# Description: Allow channel chat between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group
# Description: Allow group joining between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild
# Description: Allow guild joining between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction
# Description: Allow auctions between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail
# Description: Allow sending mails between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 0

# AllowTwoSide.WhoList
# Description: Show characters from both factions in the /who list.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 0

# AllowTwoSide.AddFriend
# Description: Allow adding friends from other faction the friends list.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Trade
# Description: Allow trading between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Trade = 0

# TalentsInspecting
# Description: Allow inspecting characters from the opposing faction.
# Doesn't affect characters in gamemaster mode.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

TalentsInspecting = 1
