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[4.3.4] WoW Drain - Blizzlike - instant level 70 for the first 100 characters


Trial Member
Hello everybody. I'm Giridhar (Davide) and I'm from Italy, I work with WoW emualtion from the release of Cataclysm emulation, I worked with SkyfireProject as DBDev.
Now I've create a blizzlike cataclysm based private server and we offer a level 70 character for the first 100 players.


Server information:
Core: ArkCORE
Patch: 4.3.4 Build 15595

Details of the VPS:

OS: Windows Server 2012
CPU: 2 Intel Xeon
Bandwidth: 1GBit/s

What I'm looking for:

1 SQL Dev
2 C++ Dev

Developer: SQL

We need 1 SQL-Dev to improve the database. He has to create NPCs, vendors, quests, and other things, which the C++-Developer asks for.

Developer: C++

The C++-Developer works mainly at the core. He fixes bugs, scripts discussed stuff.

P.S: If someone can both (SQL & C++), then that's also absolutely okay, and very good. I prefer people, who can do both.
If somebody want to work with me, send me a PM!