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4.3.4 v12Vip customization Q's...


Gold Supporter
1) is there a way to configure the respawn rate for npc's? I've noticed, so far anyway, that area's in darkshore are respawning really quickly. too quickly, you don't need to move deeper into camps to get your mob/loot counts you can just circle one little area. I'm guessing it's server wide but have not checked all area's obviously. is this a setting I overlooked, a db setting, or not configurable at present?

2) when setting the max professions >2 it doesn't let you learn more than 2. I've played versions in the past where this feature worked (don't remember which repack etc...). is this known or is there a trick to get more than 2? really I just want 3, it seems to work best for my household.

I can't recall the other Q's, but I'll reply and add them when I run across them again. thanks!


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1) is there a way to configure the respawn rate for npc's? I've noticed, so far anyway, that area's in darkshore are respawning really quickly. too quickly, you don't need to move deeper into camps to get your mob/loot counts you can just circle one little area. I'm guessing it's server wide but have not checked all area's obviously. is this a setting I overlooked, a db setting, or not configurable at present?

2) when setting the max professions >2 it doesn't let you learn more than 2. I've played versions in the past where this feature worked (don't remember which repack etc...). is this known or is there a trick to get more than 2? really I just want 3, it seems to work best for my household.

I can't recall the other Q's, but I'll reply and add them when I run across them again. thanks!

For (1), I believe this is area/mob specific, but could be wrong. I think somewhere in the DB you'd find the respawn rates, but I definitely wouldn't know where. However, npcs are meant to spawn a bit quicker in lower level areas as a blizzlike feature, especially since in retail a lot of people could clean out an area leaving other lower levels behind, waiting to finally get their turn.

2: I'm pretty sure this is a client-side issue. I think you can technically learn a 3rd profession, using .learn, or something along those lines. The way to view this profession once learnt is through your spellbook, I believe. I know some people have done it with this Cata repack, but can't remember how. But for the 3 professions showing up, again this is a client issue and wont show the 3rd profession in your professions tab.


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1) is there a way to configure the respawn rate for npc's? I've noticed, so far anyway, that area's in darkshore are respawning really quickly. too quickly, you don't need to move deeper into camps to get your mob/loot counts you can just circle one little area. I'm guessing it's server wide but have not checked all area's obviously. is this a setting I overlooked, a db setting, or not configurable at present?

I've had some success with modifying respawn times globally using 'worldserver.conf' settings and without modifying the database.

Here's my post about it:

Modifying creature respawn time


Gold Supporter

for 1), it seems it is column spawntimesecs in creature table of world db.

for 2) I sadly do not know, but yes you could just do it ingame, or on player creation (in db)