- 2,316
- 2015
- 278
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- Denmark
Made a list of every glyph, for each class for 4.3.4
Not sure if anyone can use it, but here it is.
Mage glyph
Arcane barrage 45738
arcane blast 44955
Arcane missiles 42735
cone of cold 42753
deep frezze 45736
fireball 42739
frostbolt 42742
frostfire bolt 44684
ice lance 42745
living bomb 63539
mage armor 42749
molten armor 42751
puroblast 62763
arcane power 42736
blast wave 44920
blink 42737
dragon's breath 42754
evocation 42738
frost armor 69773
frost nove 42741
ice barrier 45740
ice block 42744
icy veins 42746
invisibility 42748
mana shield 50045
polymorph 42752
slow 45737
arcane brilliance 43339
armors 63416
conjuring 43359
mirror image 45739
monkey 43360
penguin 39302
slow fall 43364
Rogue glyph
adrenaline rush 42954
backstap 42956
eviscerate 42961
hemorrhage 42967
killing spree 45762
mutilate 45768
revealing strike 42965
rupture 42969
shadow dance 45764
sinister strike 42972
slice and dice 42973
vendetta 45761
ambush 42955
blade furry 42957
blind 64493
cloak of shadows 45769
crippling poison 42958
deadly throw 42959
evasion 45159
expose armor 42962
fan of knives 45766
feint 42963
garrote 42964
couge 42966
kick 42971
preparation 42968
sap 42970
sprint 42974
tricks of the trade 45767
vanish 63420
minor glyph
blurred speed 43379
distract 43376
pick lock 43377
pick pocket 43343
poisons 43380
safe fall 43378
dispersion 45753
flash heal 42400
guardian spirit 45755
lightwell 42403
mind flay 42415
penance 45756
power word: barrier 42407
power word: shield 42408
prayer of healing 42409
renew 42411
shadow word: death 42414
shadow word: pain 42406
circle of healing 42396
desperation 45760
dispel magic 42397
divine accuracy 45758
fade 42398
fear ward 42399
holy nova 42401
inner fire 42402
mass dispel 42404
prayer of mending 42417
psychic horror 42405
psychic scream 42410
scourge imprisonment 42412
smite 42416
spirit tap 45757
fading 43342
fortitude 43371
levitate 43370
shackle undead 43373
shadow 77101
shadow protection 43372
shadowfiend 43374
Druid glyph
berserk 45601
bloodletting 40901
insect swarm 40919
lacerate 67484
lifebloom 40915
mangle 40900
moonfire 40923
regrowth 40912
rejuvenation 40913
rip 40902
savage roar 45604
starfire 40916
starsurge 45603
swiftmend 40906
tiger's fury 67487
wrath 40922
barskin 45623
entangling roots 40924
faerie fire 67485
feral charge 67486
ferocious bite 48720
focus 44928
frenzied regeneration 40896
healing touch 40914
hurricane 40920
innervate 40908
maul 40897
monsson 45622
pounce 40903
rebirth 40909
solar beam 40899
starfall 40921
thorns 43332
wild growth 45602
aquatic form 43316
challenging roar 43334
dash 43674
mark of the wild 43335
the treant 68039
thypoon 44922
unburdened rebirth 43331
Death Knight
death of decay 43542
death coil 45804
death strike 43827
frost strike 43543
heart strike 43534
howling blast 45806
icy touch 43546
obliterate 43547
raise dead 43549
rune strike 43550
scourge strike 43551
anti-magic shell 43533
blood boil 43826
bone shield 43536
chains of ice 43537
dancing rune weapon 45799
dark succor 68793
death crip 43541
hungering cold 45800
pestilence 43548
piller of frost 43553
rune tap 43825
strangulate 43552
wampiric blood 43554
blood tap 43535
death gate 43673
death's embrace 43539
horn of winter 43544
path of frost 43671
resilient grip 43672
Hunter glyph
amied shot 42897
arcane shot 42898
chimera shot 45625
dazzled prey 42909
explosive shot 45731
kill command 42915
kill shot 45732
rapid fire 42911
serpent sting 42912
steady shot 42914
bestial wrath 42902
concussive shot 42901
deterrence 42903
disengage 42904
frezzing trap 42905
ice trap 42906
immolation trap 42908
master's call 45733
mending 42900
misdirection 42907
raptor strike 45735
scatter shot 45734
silencing shot 42910
snake trap 42913
trap launcher 42899
wyvern sting 42917
aspect of the pack 43355
feign death 43351
lesser proportion 43350
revive pet 43338
scare beast 43356
Warlock glyph
bane of agony 42456
chaos bolt 45781
conflagrate 42454
corruption 42455
felguard 42459
haunt 45779
immolate 42464
imp 42465
incinerate 42453
lash of pain 50077
metamorphosis 45780
shadowburn 42468
unstable affliction 42472
death coil 42457
demonic circle 45782
fear 42458
felhunter 42460
healthstone 42462
howl of terror 42463
life tap 45758
seduction 42471
shadow bolt 42467
shadow flame 45783
soul link 45789
soul swap 42466
soulstone 42470
voidwalker 42473
curse of exhaustion 43392
drain soul 43390
enslave demon 43393
eye of kilrogg 43391
health funnel 42461
ritual of souls 43394
unending breath 43389
warrior glyph
bladestorm 45790
bloodthirst 43416
devastate 43415
mortal strike 43421
overpower 43422
raging blow 43432
revenge 43424
shield slam 43425
slam 43423
cleaving 43414
colossus smash 63481
death wish 67483
heroic throw 43418
intercept 67482
intervene 43419
long charge 43397
piercing howl 43417
rapid charge 43413
resonating power 43430
shield wall 45797
shockwave 45792
spell reflection 45795
sunder armor 43427
sweeping strikes 43428
thunder clap 43399
victory rush 43431
battle 43395
berserker rage 43396
bloody healing 43412
command 49084
demoralizing shout 43398
enduring victory 43400
furious sundering 45793
intimidating shout 45794
paladin glyph
crusader strike 41098
divine favor 41106
exorcism 41103
hammer of the righteous 45742
holy shock 45746
judgement 41092
seal of insight 41110
seal of truth 43869
templar's verdict 45743
word of glory 41105
ascetic crusader 41107
beacon of light 45741
cleansing 41104
consecration 41099
dazing shield 43868
divine plea 45745
divine protection 41096
divinity 41108
focused shield 41101
hammer of justice 41095
hammer of wrath 41097
hand of salvation 45747
holy wrath 43867
lay on hands 43367
light of dawn 41109
long word 66918
rebuke 41094
turn evil 41102
blessing of kings 43365
blessing of might 43340
insight 43366
justice 43369
righteousness 41100
truth 43368
Shaman glyph
earth shield 45775
earthliving weapon 41527
feral spirit 45771
fire elemental totem 41529
flame shock 41531
flametongue weapon 41532
lava burst 41524
lava lash 41540
lightning bolt 41536
riptide 45772
shocking 41526
stormstrike 41539
unleashed lightning 71155
water shield 41541
windfury weapon 41542
chain heal 41517
chain lightning 41518
elemental mastery 41552
fire nova 41530
frost nova 42741
frost shock 41547
ghost wolf 43725
grounding totem 41538
healing stream totem 41533
healing wave 41534
hex 45777
lightning shield 41537
shamanistic rage 45776
stoneclaw totem 45778
thunder 45770
totemic recall 41535
arctic wolf 43386
astral recall 43381
renewed life 43385
thunderstorm 44923
water breathing 43344
water walking 43388
Not sure if anyone can use it, but here it is.
Mage glyph
Arcane barrage 45738
arcane blast 44955
Arcane missiles 42735
cone of cold 42753
deep frezze 45736
fireball 42739
frostbolt 42742
frostfire bolt 44684
ice lance 42745
living bomb 63539
mage armor 42749
molten armor 42751
puroblast 62763
arcane power 42736
blast wave 44920
blink 42737
dragon's breath 42754
evocation 42738
frost armor 69773
frost nove 42741
ice barrier 45740
ice block 42744
icy veins 42746
invisibility 42748
mana shield 50045
polymorph 42752
slow 45737
arcane brilliance 43339
armors 63416
conjuring 43359
mirror image 45739
monkey 43360
penguin 39302
slow fall 43364
Rogue glyph
adrenaline rush 42954
backstap 42956
eviscerate 42961
hemorrhage 42967
killing spree 45762
mutilate 45768
revealing strike 42965
rupture 42969
shadow dance 45764
sinister strike 42972
slice and dice 42973
vendetta 45761
ambush 42955
blade furry 42957
blind 64493
cloak of shadows 45769
crippling poison 42958
deadly throw 42959
evasion 45159
expose armor 42962
fan of knives 45766
feint 42963
garrote 42964
couge 42966
kick 42971
preparation 42968
sap 42970
sprint 42974
tricks of the trade 45767
vanish 63420
minor glyph
blurred speed 43379
distract 43376
pick lock 43377
pick pocket 43343
poisons 43380
safe fall 43378
dispersion 45753
flash heal 42400
guardian spirit 45755
lightwell 42403
mind flay 42415
penance 45756
power word: barrier 42407
power word: shield 42408
prayer of healing 42409
renew 42411
shadow word: death 42414
shadow word: pain 42406
circle of healing 42396
desperation 45760
dispel magic 42397
divine accuracy 45758
fade 42398
fear ward 42399
holy nova 42401
inner fire 42402
mass dispel 42404
prayer of mending 42417
psychic horror 42405
psychic scream 42410
scourge imprisonment 42412
smite 42416
spirit tap 45757
fading 43342
fortitude 43371
levitate 43370
shackle undead 43373
shadow 77101
shadow protection 43372
shadowfiend 43374
Druid glyph
berserk 45601
bloodletting 40901
insect swarm 40919
lacerate 67484
lifebloom 40915
mangle 40900
moonfire 40923
regrowth 40912
rejuvenation 40913
rip 40902
savage roar 45604
starfire 40916
starsurge 45603
swiftmend 40906
tiger's fury 67487
wrath 40922
barskin 45623
entangling roots 40924
faerie fire 67485
feral charge 67486
ferocious bite 48720
focus 44928
frenzied regeneration 40896
healing touch 40914
hurricane 40920
innervate 40908
maul 40897
monsson 45622
pounce 40903
rebirth 40909
solar beam 40899
starfall 40921
thorns 43332
wild growth 45602
aquatic form 43316
challenging roar 43334
dash 43674
mark of the wild 43335
the treant 68039
thypoon 44922
unburdened rebirth 43331
Death Knight
death of decay 43542
death coil 45804
death strike 43827
frost strike 43543
heart strike 43534
howling blast 45806
icy touch 43546
obliterate 43547
raise dead 43549
rune strike 43550
scourge strike 43551
anti-magic shell 43533
blood boil 43826
bone shield 43536
chains of ice 43537
dancing rune weapon 45799
dark succor 68793
death crip 43541
hungering cold 45800
pestilence 43548
piller of frost 43553
rune tap 43825
strangulate 43552
wampiric blood 43554
blood tap 43535
death gate 43673
death's embrace 43539
horn of winter 43544
path of frost 43671
resilient grip 43672
Hunter glyph
amied shot 42897
arcane shot 42898
chimera shot 45625
dazzled prey 42909
explosive shot 45731
kill command 42915
kill shot 45732
rapid fire 42911
serpent sting 42912
steady shot 42914
bestial wrath 42902
concussive shot 42901
deterrence 42903
disengage 42904
frezzing trap 42905
ice trap 42906
immolation trap 42908
master's call 45733
mending 42900
misdirection 42907
raptor strike 45735
scatter shot 45734
silencing shot 42910
snake trap 42913
trap launcher 42899
wyvern sting 42917
aspect of the pack 43355
feign death 43351
lesser proportion 43350
revive pet 43338
scare beast 43356
Warlock glyph
bane of agony 42456
chaos bolt 45781
conflagrate 42454
corruption 42455
felguard 42459
haunt 45779
immolate 42464
imp 42465
incinerate 42453
lash of pain 50077
metamorphosis 45780
shadowburn 42468
unstable affliction 42472
death coil 42457
demonic circle 45782
fear 42458
felhunter 42460
healthstone 42462
howl of terror 42463
life tap 45758
seduction 42471
shadow bolt 42467
shadow flame 45783
soul link 45789
soul swap 42466
soulstone 42470
voidwalker 42473
curse of exhaustion 43392
drain soul 43390
enslave demon 43393
eye of kilrogg 43391
health funnel 42461
ritual of souls 43394
unending breath 43389
warrior glyph
bladestorm 45790
bloodthirst 43416
devastate 43415
mortal strike 43421
overpower 43422
raging blow 43432
revenge 43424
shield slam 43425
slam 43423
cleaving 43414
colossus smash 63481
death wish 67483
heroic throw 43418
intercept 67482
intervene 43419
long charge 43397
piercing howl 43417
rapid charge 43413
resonating power 43430
shield wall 45797
shockwave 45792
spell reflection 45795
sunder armor 43427
sweeping strikes 43428
thunder clap 43399
victory rush 43431
battle 43395
berserker rage 43396
bloody healing 43412
command 49084
demoralizing shout 43398
enduring victory 43400
furious sundering 45793
intimidating shout 45794
paladin glyph
crusader strike 41098
divine favor 41106
exorcism 41103
hammer of the righteous 45742
holy shock 45746
judgement 41092
seal of insight 41110
seal of truth 43869
templar's verdict 45743
word of glory 41105
ascetic crusader 41107
beacon of light 45741
cleansing 41104
consecration 41099
dazing shield 43868
divine plea 45745
divine protection 41096
divinity 41108
focused shield 41101
hammer of justice 41095
hammer of wrath 41097
hand of salvation 45747
holy wrath 43867
lay on hands 43367
light of dawn 41109
long word 66918
rebuke 41094
turn evil 41102
blessing of kings 43365
blessing of might 43340
insight 43366
justice 43369
righteousness 41100
truth 43368
Shaman glyph
earth shield 45775
earthliving weapon 41527
feral spirit 45771
fire elemental totem 41529
flame shock 41531
flametongue weapon 41532
lava burst 41524
lava lash 41540
lightning bolt 41536
riptide 45772
shocking 41526
stormstrike 41539
unleashed lightning 71155
water shield 41541
windfury weapon 41542
chain heal 41517
chain lightning 41518
elemental mastery 41552
fire nova 41530
frost nova 42741
frost shock 41547
ghost wolf 43725
grounding totem 41538
healing stream totem 41533
healing wave 41534
hex 45777
lightning shield 41537
shamanistic rage 45776
stoneclaw totem 45778
thunder 45770
totemic recall 41535
arctic wolf 43386
astral recall 43381
renewed life 43385
thunderstorm 44923
water breathing 43344
water walking 43388