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4.3.4 Character creation limitation


Verified Member
Hello All,

I'm currently using the 4.3.4 BLIZZLIKE CATACLYSM - V.7 rep, when connecting in with the client I'm unable to create any race that requires the Cataclysm expansion.
Example img:https://i.imgur.com/OiSh5xJ.png

In the server config I've enabled the expansion and have not set any race creation restrictions.

#    Expansion
#        Description: Allow server to use content from expansions. Checks for expansion-related
#                     map files, client compatibility and class/race character creation.
#        Default:     3 - (Expansion 3)
#                     2 - (Expansion 2)
#                     1 - (Expansion 1)
#                     0 - (Disabled, Ignore and disable expansion content (maps, races, classes)

Expansion = 3

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled
#        Description: Disable character creation for players based on faction.
#        Default:     0 - (Enabled, All factions are allowed)
#                     1 - (Disabled, Alliance)
#                     2 - (Disabled, Horde)
#                     3 - (Disabled, Both factions)

CharacterCreating.Disabled = 0

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask
#        Description: Mask of races which cannot be created by players.
#        Example:     1536 - (1024 + 512, Blood Elf and Draenei races are disabled)
#        Default:     0    - (Enabled, All races are allowed)
#                     1    - (Disabled, Human)
#                     2    - (Disabled, Orc)
#                     4    - (Disabled, Dwarf)
#                     8    - (Disabled, Night Elf)
#                     16   - (Disabled, Undead)
#                     32   - (Disabled, Tauren)
#                     64   - (Disabled, Gnome)
#                     128  - (Disabled, Troll)
#                     512  - (Disabled, Blood Elf)
#                     1024 - (Disabled, Draenei)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask = 0

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask
#        Description: Mask of classes which cannot be created by players.
#        Example:     288 - (32 + 256, Death Knight and Warlock classes are disabled)
#        Default:     0    - (Enabled, All classes are allowed)
#                     1    - (Disabled, Warrior)
#                     2    - (Disabled, Paladin)
#                     4    - (Disabled, Hunter)
#                     8    - (Disabled, Rogue)
#                     16   - (Disabled, Undead)
#                     32   - (Disabled, Death Knight)
#                     64   - (Disabled, Shaman)
#                     128  - (Disabled, Mage)
#                     256  - (Disabled, Warlock)
#                     1024 - (Disabled, Druid)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask = 0

Does some one have a idea what could cause this issue?


Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
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Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships
Hello All,

I'm currently using the 4.3.4 BLIZZLIKE CATACLYSM - V.7 rep, when connecting in with the client I'm unable to create any race that requires the Cataclysm expansion.
Example img:https://i.imgur.com/OiSh5xJ.png

In the server config I've enabled the expansion and have not set any race creation restrictions.

#    Expansion
#        Description: Allow server to use content from expansions. Checks for expansion-related
#                     map files, client compatibility and class/race character creation.
#        Default:     3 - (Expansion 3)
#                     2 - (Expansion 2)
#                     1 - (Expansion 1)
#                     0 - (Disabled, Ignore and disable expansion content (maps, races, classes)

Expansion = 3

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled
#        Description: Disable character creation for players based on faction.
#        Default:     0 - (Enabled, All factions are allowed)
#                     1 - (Disabled, Alliance)
#                     2 - (Disabled, Horde)
#                     3 - (Disabled, Both factions)

CharacterCreating.Disabled = 0

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask
#        Description: Mask of races which cannot be created by players.
#        Example:     1536 - (1024 + 512, Blood Elf and Draenei races are disabled)
#        Default:     0    - (Enabled, All races are allowed)
#                     1    - (Disabled, Human)
#                     2    - (Disabled, Orc)
#                     4    - (Disabled, Dwarf)
#                     8    - (Disabled, Night Elf)
#                     16   - (Disabled, Undead)
#                     32   - (Disabled, Tauren)
#                     64   - (Disabled, Gnome)
#                     128  - (Disabled, Troll)
#                     512  - (Disabled, Blood Elf)
#                     1024 - (Disabled, Draenei)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask = 0

#    CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask
#        Description: Mask of classes which cannot be created by players.
#        Example:     288 - (32 + 256, Death Knight and Warlock classes are disabled)
#        Default:     0    - (Enabled, All classes are allowed)
#                     1    - (Disabled, Warrior)
#                     2    - (Disabled, Paladin)
#                     4    - (Disabled, Hunter)
#                     8    - (Disabled, Rogue)
#                     16   - (Disabled, Undead)
#                     32   - (Disabled, Death Knight)
#                     64   - (Disabled, Shaman)
#                     128  - (Disabled, Mage)
#                     256  - (Disabled, Warlock)
#                     1024 - (Disabled, Druid)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask = 0

Does some one have a idea what could cause this issue?


You've said you "enabled those settings in the config", but they should be enabled by default. I just want to clarify, were you able to create Cata races before you changed any settings?
It's possible the account you're using does not have access to the Cata expansion, regardless if it's enabled server-wide or not. Try creating a new account without changing anything, just create the account, log in, and try to create a new Cata race character.

If that still doesn't work, I would recommend re-downloading the repack and not change any settings, and see if you can create the Cata races.


Verified Member
Thanks for the help, I've seen if I create a character directly on to the server console it is working perfectly, when using the PHP account registration page from the Pandaria 5.4.8 repack it seems it wrongly creates the accounts in the database.
There for I'm not able to select/create any Cataclysm races.
Any idea where in the code I could look as I'm new to the PHP world ;)

Edit: Fixed the issue, had to allter the following part in the code:

PHP error check:
if(!ereg("^[0-[COLOR="#00FF00"]4[/COLOR]%]+$", $post_expansion)) { $errors[] = "Invalid input. Please try again."; }

Set expantion value:
<select name="expansion">
<option value="[COLOR="#00FF00"]2[/COLOR]">Wrath of the lich king</option>
<option SELECTED value="[COLOR="#00FF00"]3[/COLOR]">Cataclysm</option>
<option value="[COLOR="#00FF00"]4[/COLOR]">Mists of Pandaria</option>

Thank you for the help.

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