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4.3.4 blizzlike cataclysm [emucoach's official repack]


Verified Member
I guess i'm going to provide you with everything i do step by step, to see if i am doing this right. everyone else is having problems in stuck on connected or something in game. but my problem is different, it does not connect at all.
P.S. someone said if i am here then i am an intermediate computer user at least so i have to know what to do. Well it is not about what level of computer user i am, it's the first time i do such thing... so kindly be patient with me. :)

First, going to the topic of [http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?58-4-3-4-Blizzlike-Cataclysm-EmuCoach-s-Official-Repack]
there are two threads there that contain links for download. In the first thread after the features there is this download link : - Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn504ynf6w...setup.exe?dl=0 which takes you to a700mb file that contains (_Server, dbc, logs, maps, Updates, vmaps, ace.dll, authserver.conf, authserver.exe, libeay32.dll, libmysql.dll, ssleay32.dll, vcredist_x64.exe, vcredist_86.exe, worldserver.conf, worldserver.exe)
Before doing anything, i went to watch the video for the tutorial. He takes the links from the second thread not the first one i thought that i had to download them too, but then i realized that they have the same content folders so i didn't download.
then he goes and opens the mysql.bat file then authserver.exe then worldserver.exe and the video ends here, while i did the same.

So i go to the realmlist and set it to my local ip address (set realmlist and then go in game and use admin - admin to login. when i click login it doesn't even load at at, as if there is no internet connection.

there should be something missing considering the connection or loopback ip, or the game folder itself. because i watched an older video about someone making his own private server (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5cZ463im4E), he takes the "Maps" folder and the "ad.bat" into the game folder and initiate the ad.bat then he takes the maps out. i don't know, maybe this is an old way to do what he is doing, but i think that the main problem in the video was, there was nothing shown related to the game folder or the game itself.

thank you for taking some time reading this, and i hope someone can help me with this.
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Verified Member
Ok, I've solved my problem after some while discovering what is happening. I want to tell everyone what happened and how to make the server work properly without any difficulties.
First of all, after downloading the repack db maps .. etc. and making what the video told you to do, those files must be available/copied into the main directory of your PC (e.g. C:\), i am not sure about this, but alot of sources recommended this in order to make the server work.
Execute in the right order: Apache -> mySql -> Auth -> World (and accept if any network permission prompts)
Test that Apache is running by going to your browser and typing it must show you a page with some description about the server.
If the mysql shows some kind of error, it's either from your sql software or your navicat, or any similar programs. Trouble shoot your error according to the error type showing on the screen of the mysql.bat .
Some Mscvr might be missing in order to execute the Auth and World. if so, then go on google and type the missing dll file name and download from www.dll-files.com on your desktop, extract the content, then copy/cut the file into C:/Windows/system32 folder. Replace it if needed.
Then you go to your WoW folder, Data, EnGb/US, right click on realmlist and edit with notepad, make the line: set realmlist (local ip address) and save it.
Second, the server will run, but you won't be able to login (stuck on connected / realmlist),if your worldserver is open then you will see a message on its screen saying (Worldserver gives these errors: sent malformed packet (size 62129, cmd: 1933766154) if that happens that means you are missing some core files. in your repack files you have 2 dll files (ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll), create a new folder between the others name it new folder or doesn't matter what,and move them into that folder. Then go to http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html and download the "Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2a" or any newer version available. and be careful, do not download the light version.
Then execute the bat files and Auth and Worldserver again in the same order, they should open without the dll files that you moved into that new folder.
Third, to be sure that your client .exe file works properly, download a new one (e.g. http://www.mediafire.com/download/iiwrvw9seny1hh8/Need_to_434.zip).

That's the complete scenario of what i did, and i am sure that some people encountered the same procedure as this one. if so, i am very happy to help them in a summary like this.

But i have one question, if i want to use this repack to connect to it from a different PC. I've downloaded a VPN software like (Hamachi), i created a network there, and it gave me an IPv4. I copied that IP into my realmlist, and replaced it with the, and the game logged in just fine.
Then i went to my other PC in another room at my house, also downloaded the same software, logged in and then joined the network that i've created on the first PC, i typed the IP it gave me and went into the game.(i've already created another account admin2 - admin on the worldserver). so from that second PC i logged in using the admin2 account, it connects but get stuck on realmlist xD
is there anything i need more than the client version of the game at that second PC ?

thank you for your time :)


Silver Supporter
OMg thanks sooo much for this i bin flapping for a day stuck on the connected bit to find i installed the wrong openssl i put v1.1.0g which dont work btw but working with 1.0.2m :)