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3.3.5a progressive || GilneasWoW || 12x exp, 3x prof, 2x rep || Repost


Trial Member
This is a repost, because something went wrong with the previous one and server advertisement disappeared

I'm glad to announce that on the 1st of august 2016 a new Woltk progressive realm is about to start! The server's called GilneasWoW and is led by a team of experianced programmers and networking specialists.

Let's start with some basic information:

Website: http://wowgilneas.eu/

- Exp rate is 12x
- Profession rate is 3x
- Patch 3.3.5a
- Progressive realm
- Blizzlike no customs

Machine stats:
- Dual 8 core AMD processor, which means 16 cores of computing power
- 80 gbs of ram
- 1gb symetrical bandwith

Working content:

- Classes are almost fully functional. Few minor bugs, but I'd say each class is about 95% finished
- Icecrown / Stormpeaks need a few tweaks but other than that, all northrend quests are functional
- 5 man heroics are fully functional
- Northrend raids are fully functional with LK and all

Most of pre northrend content is functional, but we're not really focusing on it much, so there might be a bug or two

The server is still in test phase. Official launch 01.08.2016 and for that very reason anyone who registers between now and 03.08.2016 is going to get free 50 vote points, which is enough to get you an heirloom item for start!

This realm also features some unique competetive, race-type competitions which are hard to find anywhere else.

Each person who gets his class to level 80 first on the realm and gets the "First [class] lvl 80 " achievement is going to get one of the rarer epic mounts!

Each progression patch, the first guild to finish a 25man raid of the patch is going to get one of the rarest epic / legendary mounts for every player in the raid group!