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[3.3.5a] Monwell.pl WolTK Alternate Server Sunwell | Blizzlike


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[3.3.5a] Monwell.pl WolTK Alternate Server Sunwell | Blizzlike

Actual state is test server. Finaly Server started: 20-05-2016 : 8:00 PM.



Name Server: Monwell!
Website: Monwell.pl
Forum: Monwell Forum
Facebook: Monwell Project
Language: POL/ENG
Core: SunwellCore
Type Game: PVP/PVE/Blizzlike
Realm: Feronis WOLTK 3.3.5
RealmIP: logon.monwell.pl
Idea: The goal is very simple. To create a server blizzlike most suited to the players to entertainment we never missed a level of struggle is still growing because in the end it comes to continuous improvement and putting yourself new goals, while acquiring new knowledge among the newly created community.


when? 20th May at 20:00 will start a new adventure, because from there cordially invite!

Currently the server is online and available to players in the form of tests, for each account are free of the PP in the testing phaseanyone who will support us and strive to develop server, of course is appreciated respective objects and points premium, of course, need not give any advantage in the game but will be uniqueand will honor the players who contributed to the development server.


Experience: 1x
Experience Quest: 1x
RaF Experience: 3x
Exp Boost: 2.5 x
Drop: 1x
Drop Gold: 1x


Why 1x? Analyzing some servers HR and LR far the economy of the whole server is the best just a 1x multiplier. Taking into account that not only the players who have experience with the wow play on private servers it and there are some who do not have this contact, and only enters the stage in wowie pg. Every day come new players and we want to provide them with an appropriate level of entertainment as well as those who like to come to anything after slowly. For old hands may be a problem because as soon as they wanted to start duel and go on raids. But the introduction just after the exp provides us is to himself that new players can learn the old-timers, and something of them reach or establish a new relationship. How many of you began to play alone and at some stage of the game met a person to play with, or expenienia duels?


We realize that the majority of players want to fight! He wants to be the best skill in the arena therefore for players who have sacrificed a lot of time for the investigation to perfection in the classroom or duels have developed a system arene with various prizes. Season arene will take about four months of which 3 top teams from the type 1vs1 .. etc, will get some prizes, a certain number of points premium, but also try for some prizes but cash or in kind all dependent on the interest of potential players, and of course, other things we do not want to say yet :)


We want players who devote their time to kill radios, dungeons and quests also have a chance of getting something unique and distinctive, so for players who complete the greatest number of raids, dungeons and quests also anticipate prizes! The so-called. Season raids and dungeons also reset every 3 months and for the rest, we invite you to the forum there will soon be informed about this.


Support: monwellserver@gmail.com!

Best regards,
The Monwell team.

#monwell #wow # wolltk​