Due to popular demand gear is now free so Free S8 and 277 ilvl
The server has officially launched!
Date: May 11th.

Hello, we are looking for people to test our upcoming pvp wotlk server.

Some server info:
▪ Instant 80
▪ Pick a spec npc - Automatically unequips your gear and equips a gear template with gems, enchants and talents.
▪ Gearing is fast and does not require arena rating. You can gear through Arena, BGs or World PvP.
▪ Custom PvP Zone with Hourly PvP Chest Events.
▪ Professions are leveled through arena wins.
▪ Challenge command - Solo or in a group.
▪ arenaque command (solo,1v1,2v2,3v3)
▪ Global chat for 4 different languages (EN,FR,DE,ES) - Channels can be turned off by a command.
▪ Custom Transmogrifer - Transmog from inventory, item id or arena rating.
▪ Custom mounts for Top arena teams - No patch required.
▪ Vanilla ranks automatically obtainable through honorable pvp kills.
▪ Killstreak system with rewards and custom announcements.
▪ Arena Spectator for 1v1,2v2,3v3 and SoloQ - shows games above 1500 MMR.
▪ Custom Hunter Pet Zone with over 100 tameable pets.
▪ Arena Cases - Filled with over 2.6k tradeable transmog items. Dropped from Arena Chests or PvP Zone Chests.
▪ Arena Case trader NPC - Players can sell their arena cases for honor points.
▪ Bronze, Silver, Gold, Legendary Arena Chests % chance to be dropped from Arena wins.
▪ Custom 1v1 and 3v3 SoloQ Bracket - 2 Dps - 1 Healer.
▪ Phased Dueling - You can only see your opponent while dueling. While players that aren't dueling can see you and your opponent.
▪ Visual Tabards.
▪ Shirts With Race Morphs.
▪ Hidden Transmog Items.
▪ Leaderboard NPC.
▪ Fully Working PetAI - Returning to stay position and Casting spells while in LoS.
▪ Working Vanish / Shadowmeld Delay.
▪ Arena and Battlegrounds Ready check crystals.
▪ Battlegrounds buffer.
▪ Advanced Anticheat.

Mall Overview:

On server launch testers will recieve x amount of donation coins which can be used for cosmetic items or 264 pieces.
Join our discord for more info: https://discord.gg/5ekMttK
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