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[3.3.5a] Looking For Testers For An Upcoming Instant 80 264 Ilvl Meta PvP Server.


Trial Member


Due to popular demand gear is now free so Free S8 and 277 ilvl

The server has officially launched!
Date: May 11th.


Hello, we are looking for people to test our upcoming pvp wotlk server.


Some server info:
▪ Instant 80
▪ Pick a spec npc - Automatically unequips your gear and equips a gear template with gems, enchants and talents.
▪ Gearing is fast and does not require arena rating. You can gear through Arena, BGs or World PvP.
▪ Custom PvP Zone with Hourly PvP Chest Events.
▪ Professions are leveled through arena wins.
▪ Challenge command - Solo or in a group.
▪ arenaque command (solo,1v1,2v2,3v3)
▪ Global chat for 4 different languages (EN,FR,DE,ES) - Channels can be turned off by a command.
▪ Custom Transmogrifer - Transmog from inventory, item id or arena rating.
▪ Custom mounts for Top arena teams - No patch required.
▪ Vanilla ranks automatically obtainable through honorable pvp kills.
▪ Killstreak system with rewards and custom announcements.
▪ Arena Spectator for 1v1,2v2,3v3 and SoloQ - shows games above 1500 MMR.
▪ Custom Hunter Pet Zone with over 100 tameable pets.
▪ Arena Cases - Filled with over 2.6k tradeable transmog items. Dropped from Arena Chests or PvP Zone Chests.
▪ Arena Case trader NPC - Players can sell their arena cases for honor points.
▪ Bronze, Silver, Gold, Legendary Arena Chests % chance to be dropped from Arena wins.
▪ Custom 1v1 and 3v3 SoloQ Bracket - 2 Dps - 1 Healer.
▪ Phased Dueling - You can only see your opponent while dueling. While players that aren't dueling can see you and your opponent.
▪ Visual Tabards.
▪ Shirts With Race Morphs.
▪ Hidden Transmog Items.
▪ Leaderboard NPC.
▪ Fully Working PetAI - Returning to stay position and Casting spells while in LoS.
▪ Working Vanish / Shadowmeld Delay.
▪ Arena and Battlegrounds Ready check crystals.
▪ Battlegrounds buffer.
▪ Advanced Anticheat.


Mall Overview:



On server launch testers will recieve x amount of donation coins which can be used for cosmetic items or 264 pieces.

Join our discord for more info: https://discord.gg/5ekMttK
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