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[3.3.5a] Kamical WoW - Instant 80 Fun PvP Realm - OldSchool Token System


Trial Member


We have brought back the old Kamical WoW, currently Crysis is available but once we have completed the development of Crysis we will be starting on Nemesis (Highrate 250 Realm).

We offer a different kind of PvP realm, we have all of the Arena Systems such as Arena Spectator, 1v1 Rated Arena and much more, but we mainly offer the best type of PvP, FFA PvP!

Kamical is always open for suggestions on how to improve the realm, how we can make the server a better place for everyone, we care about our community.


Kamical WoW - 3.3.5a Instant 80 Custom FFA Fun PvP Realm

Website : Kamical WoW - WOTLK Custom Private Server
Forum : Kamical WoW - Private Server Forums
Facebook : Kamical WoW - Facebook Page


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A nice thread design you have there, best of luck with the server!


Trial Member
We have made some major updates to the realm :

This major update has brought many new changes, and almost a total overhaul to the realm.

We have Cleaned many things and made it much easier for new players to get started, along with making the gap between Starter and Donor smaller.

* Features Added

   - Alliance and Horde malls have been completely revamped to make them easier to use in general.
   - A new Reforge NPC has been added to the malls, making it easy to change the unneeded stats on gear to other useful stats.
   - A Global Trainer has been added, which will do the following tasks :
                     :  Teach all Class Spells
                     :  Purchase Class Glyphs
                     :  Train Weapon Skills
                     :  Change Racial Spells (Now Permanant)
                     :  Unlearn Talents
                     :  Learn Dual Talent Specialization                     
                     :  Use Pet Functions such as Beastmaster, and Stable pet
   - A Character Utility NPC has been added which you can change your race and faction with one click.
   - An Arena Organiser has been added, which will do the following tasks :
                     :  Queue up for Arena
                     :  Purchase a Team Charter
                     :  1v1 Arena
                     :  Arena Spectator
* Vendor Changes

   - Potion, Elixirs, Flasks and Scrolls have been merged into one vendor.
   - The Reagents vendor now has the following options :
                     :  Reagents
                     :  Food & Drinks
                     :  Ammo & Quivers
                     :  Bandages
   - The Enchanting NPC now has the following options :
                     :  One Click Item Enchants
                     :  General Item Enchantments
                     :  Armor Enchant Scrolls
                     :  Weapon Enchant Scrolls
   - The Profession NPC now have the following options :
                     :  Learn Professions
                     :  Profession Materials

* Area Changes

   - There is a new, bigger Duelling zone which is available.
   - The World PvP boss has been spawned near the Duel Zone.
   - Duel Cooldown and HP reset has been set to only work in the Duel Zone.
   - The Chilling Zone is now a Horde VS Alliance zone.
   - Barbershop Areas have been added to the malls.

* PvP Changes   
   - Gurubashi Arena and Dire Maul Arena now have 7 different resurrection locations chosen at random upon release.
   - Every resurrection Location has a resurrection NPC which will resurrect every 30 seconds, resetting cooldowns and giving a 7 second shield which allows you to use the teleporter if needed.
   - Reduced the start time for Arenas to 30 seconds down from 1 minute.
   - Reduced the start time for Battlegrounds to 1 minute down from 2 minute.

* Item Changes

   - Starter items have had their Colour changed to a Custom Blue colour.
   - Starter items have had the missing weapons added such as Thrown Weapons to complete the set.
   - Starter items have been buffed by 17%.

   - PvP items have had unfinished missing weapons added to complete the set.
   - PvP items have been buffed by 10%.
   - Vote items have been buffed by 3%.
   - Tank items have been removed from the game.
   - Removed all non heroic versions of offsets to stop stacking of trinkets and to help new players pick their trinkets.