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[3.3.5a] Eternal-WoW | Instant 80 PvP | PvPvE x10 | Fun Realm 255 | Blizzlike x2


Verified Member
In da house


Registrations: Account Registrations
Realmlist: logon.eternal-wow.com
Community: Forums

Eternal-WoW Realms:

Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a):
- Eternal (Instant 80 - Extreme PvP)
- Redemption (10x Rate - PvPvE)
- Genesis (2x Rate - PvE)
- Remorse (255 fun)

Cataclysm (4.3.4):
- Apocalypse (7x Rate - PvPvE)

Quick Facts:

- Instant Account Setup
- Custom player tools (revive, unstuck, fix)
- Daily Updates and News
- Dedicated DDoS Protection
- Days of uptime extending into weeks.
- Character and Guild Transfers are available.
- Daily Backup of Data at Offsite Location to prevent major Rollbacks or loss of data/character.
- Professionally managed servers with some of the most knowledgeable staff around
- Join us on our high quality TeamSpeak server so you can chat with other players! (Address: voice.eternal-wow.com)

Custom Content:

- Remorse (Fun 255 realm) has a full array of custom content from quests, gear and instances.
- Each Realm has their own mall.
- Every realm has a Teleporter to teleport a player to anywhere in the world of Eternal-WoW.
- Donation- and Vote points are redeemable for really cool gear in-game.
- Monthly Staff Meet & Greet where Staff talks and get along with players.
- Custom Events every single day on all of our realms.
- Transmogification of gear.
- Regular Forum and Facebook Events.
- Maze events and Staircase Events.

Check out our:

Facebook | Twitter | Website

Following are some Screenshots:







We also allow Character Transfer/Migration from other Server, We also accept Guild Migration aswell, Read more about it here.

If there is any query or any question regarding. Feel free to send me a PM or Post in here. I will be checking on regular basis. Topic will be updated on Weekly Basis aswell.​
Last edited:


Verified Member
In da house
Remorse Realm(Fun level 255): was updated recently with class balancing and new content. To Read about it visit news section at Eternal-WoW or click on this link: Remorse Update | Eternal-Wow!

Genesis Realm(Blizzlike x2): Public Test Realm is launched and daily fixes are added into it. It will be released within next few weeks. To know more about it click here.


Trial Member
I think I've heard of this server before, but I didn't know much about it. Sounds really awesome, and that trailer is nice. I'll be logging in later just as soon as these downloads are finished!


Verified Member
In da house
Check out Eternal Reborn Teaser:

Genesis Update was successful! All the bugs are fixed and players are enjoying the update. There is also a slight increase in number of new players joining the realm and server in just 2 days! If you love playing you must check it out.

Next step would be to update Redemption and Eternal, within next few weeks. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile check out the Server Review on Remorse Realm by PrivateWoW: Remorse Realm Review by Private WoW


Trial Member
I must say the support is extra nice, no matter how stupid questions you ask them and stuff :p

Good server guys! keep up!


Trial Member
I must say the support is extra nice, no matter how stupid questions you ask them and stuff :p

Good server guys! keep up!


Verified Member
In da house
Recent Update:
Remorse Realm was updated July 7th:

* The Vault of Archavon! Introducing a new raid for Remorse! This raid will drop Honour main-set pieces along with tokens for the new PvE set.
* New PvE (Vault) and PvP (Remorseless Gladiator) gear sets.
* Major Staff Improvements, including, but not limited to; New Staff Members, New Ranks, and New Departments.
* Battleground Item Scaling: Tired of being outgeared in battlegrounds? Eternal-WoW has introduced a new script that will scale all previous gear (Nexus, Brutal, and Supremus) to a Storm Rage level on Remorse!
* Class Buffs Scaling: Spells like Power Word: Fortitude and Battle Shout now give a substantial amount of stats instead of just giving dispel protection.
* Class Rescaling: Classes have been subject to buffs/nerfs to better balance PvP and PvE.
* Demonic Crusade Set Rescaling: The Demonic Crusade gear set has been rescaled for balancing purposes.
* Catalcysm Weapon Transmog: The next step in adding new transmog items is done; Cataclysm Weapons!
* Transformation Orbs: Fixed and re-added. Wanting to look like another race/faction? Transformation Orbs allow you to do that, and they work as intended!
* New Mall: Located on the coast of The Hinterlands, the new mall offers a change of scenery for players.

For detailed information on Remorse update click here

Genesis Realm was updated on July 28th

New features for the realm:

Crossfaction Battleground System
Crossfaction Raids & Groups

Major fixes:

Overall bug fix count crossed 6000 bugs.

1) Icecrown Citadel

* Improved a lot of spawns, emotes and waypoints
* Fixed a lot of trash mobs
* Improved all encounters (like Gunship Battle, Lichking, etc.) and their spells

2) Classes

* Improved all classes and their talents (like Death Knights)

3) Pet System

* Improved the stats calculation
* Improved the handling of the pets
* Improved the spells of the pets

4) Dungeons in Northrend

* Improved a lot of spawns, emotes and waypoints
* Fixed a lot of trash mobs
* Improved all encounters (like Anomalus) and their spells

5) PvP System

* Added outdoor pvp support for "Venture Bay"
* Improved every battleground
* Improved every arena
* Improved the "Random Battleground System"

6) NPCs and Quests

* Fixed a lot of quests
* Fixed a lot of npcs
* Improved a lot of spawns, emotes and waypoints in the world.

7) Northrend Raids

* Improved every raidcontent (like Naxxramas)
* And a lot more .information ..
For detailed information go to Changelogs.

Redemption Realm update date was announced which was 5th of August 2015. Update was successful with a sudden increase of players at the peak time.
For more information regarding the bug fixes and update on Redemption, Click here.​


Verified Member
I can personally say I have been keeping an eye out to make sure this server was worth giving a go..
It definitely seems clear to me that the development team are interested in making it appealing with frequent updates.
May download the server later. (If I do I will update as to how it went).


Verified Member
In da house
Its been quite a time since i have update the topic. I thought, it would be a good time to show you, what is really going on with the new core.

Since we are working on the new core ...

Now a big news!!

We are planning to add a new Realm to Eternal-WoW. We would love to know about your opinion and what everyone would like to see happening on Eternal-WoW.
Click on the following to go to the poll

What's your choice of expansion for our next realm?