This is a simple register page created for AzerothCore with user input validation and confirm password. It was created using PDO PHP and JavaScript (for input validation).
Feel free to use it as you wish. You can find about the installation proccess in the readme file.
Demo: https://ferreira9006.github.io/AzerothCore-Registration-Page/
Download Link: https://github.com/Ferreira9006/AzerothCore-Registration-Page
This is a simple register page created for AzerothCore with user input validation and confirm password. It was created using PDO PHP and JavaScript (for input validation).
Feel free to use it as you wish. You can find about the installation proccess in the readme file.
Demo: https://ferreira9006.github.io/AzerothCore-Registration-Page/
Download Link: https://github.com/Ferreira9006/AzerothCore-Registration-Page