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3.3.5 TrinityCore Scripting Utility C++


Verified Member
United States
So I started a new project and realized trinity core is descriptive with a lot of their functions which don't get me wrong that is a good thing. However when your making the same scripts over and over its just slower.

So to make them easier & quicker to create I made a utility class that is basically a wrapper.

    //This will clear the gossip menu.
    void CGM(Player* player);

    //This adds a gossip menu item.
    void AGI(Player* player, const std::string& text, uint32 action);

    //Sends the gossip menu to the player. It uses npc text id of 1 by default. Use overload if you wish to set the npc text id.
    void SGM(Player* player, Object* obj);

    //Sends the gossip menu to the player
    void SGM(Player* player, uint32 npcTextID, Object* obj);

    //Exits the player's current open gossip menu.
    void EGM(Player* player);

    //Checks to see if a player is in Combat, BG, Arena, or Flying returns a true if they are not and false if they are.
    bool ATOG(Player* player);

I also included a example script in the repository so you can see how i use it.

I may add more to it in the future as i find more functions i want to shorten.

If you don't like how i named them you can simply change the name of the functions to whatever you would like.