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3.3.5 Exploit - 100% damage/HP upon death, works in bg/raids/arena, Molten-WoW


Veteran Member
This is an exploit a friend of mine figured out and not many knows about it and I can imagine it getting fixed soon but here it is:

1. Get into the Strand of the Ancients Battleground. (queue RBG)

2. You have to die before the battle start, otherwise it wont work. (TP to an altitude of 1000 meters and fall with Hitchhiker's hack). Don't click Release, wait a few seconds,now u are bugged - Can't be attacked and can't move.

3. Wait for the battle to start, turn on and turn off Freeze Z in Hitchhiker's hack. After that you can move to Demolisher and right click it. Otherwise just TP to the Demolisher and right click it if you are lazy and cba to walk.
For defensive side click on the Demolisher and just change the faction - horde or ally in Hitchhiker's hack.

4. Leave battleground and done!

This bug works on most of the 3.3.5 servers, Molten-WoW, Dispersion-WoW and so on..