- 916
- 2015
- 24
- Location
- Barryton Michigan USA
C++ 12861 Trolls Is Gone Crazy! Quest Zul'drak Lights Breach Horde
29700 Drakuru Shackles has the script npc_drakuru_shackles, Which targets the captured rageclaws. But it is causing two duplicates to spawn on top of each statically spawned rageclaw.
I read an update from another dev that said, Making the shackles target only the statically spawned rageclaws stops the dupes from spawning.
29700 Drakuru Shackles has the script npc_drakuru_shackles, Which targets the captured rageclaws. But it is causing two duplicates to spawn on top of each statically spawned rageclaw.
I read an update from another dev that said, Making the shackles target only the statically spawned rageclaws stops the dupes from spawning.