Which quest is it?
24897 Get Back To Town
What's the bug?
Server crashes when you accept the quest.
Occurs when playing normal, tested as normal char without GM rights.
... on the newest VIP 8.0 version.
24897 Get Back To Town
What's the bug?
Server crashes when you accept the quest.
*** Operation System ***
Windows Server 2012 Server 4.0 (Version 6.2, Build 9200)
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00C3A047 01:00379047 D:\WoW Server\ServerFiles\worldserver.exe
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00C3A047 00000000 Player::GetNextQuest+E7 d:\zealotpureblizzlike\core\src\server\game\entities\player\player.cpp line 15633
Parameter unsigned int 'guid' = 0
Parameter quest Quest* = 25A99950
Occurs when playing normal, tested as normal char without GM rights.
... on the newest VIP 8.0 version.