Pierre Dabrunst
Trial Member
- 1
- 2017
- 0
Are you looking for hosting for your website? We got you coverd.
We provide with hosting that is using high-end professional hardware designed for your hosting requirements.
All our servers has gigabit uplink (1Gbps upload speed and 1Gbps download speed) and SSD storage to keep your site running smooth and respond faster.
Our hosting is running on Linux. Due to that reason we can give you the best performance for the price since it's a open-source operating system that does not use alot of resources of the machine.
We offer CloudFlare for all our clients included in the hosting packages so you can keep your site fast and protected. You can enable CloudFlare in your account panel. It takes just a few minutes to sign up and get ready. You can read more about CloudFlare HERE (the link redirects to CloudFlare's FAQ section, no ads).
Here's a very short description how CloudFlare works:
When you use CloudFlare for your website, their datacenters all around the world will store your site as a cache in all their datacenter workwide for faster loadtimes. So if you live in Spain for example and want to load a website in the US, the site will be loaded from CloudFlare's datacenter cache closest to you. This will make the loading times alot faster and also provide you with DDoS (distrubuted denial of service) Protection.
All our customers get's cPanel for their hosting. cPanel is the most popular hosting control panel that allows you to control your website even if you are not a professional. It is great for both professionals and beginners.
Our main webhosting datacenter is located in USA. We will soon be offering webhosting in Europe and Asia as well. We want to keep our hosting fast and responsive no madder where you are located. If you sign up for hosting with us now, we will transfer your website free of charge to any of our other locations once they will be available if you so desire.
Here is the products we currently offer:
-Webhosting (cPanel)(host your website away from your home)
-Email Hosting (cPanel)(host email accounts away from your home)
-Minecraft Servers (MultiCraft)(Minecraft Servers hosted away from your home)
-TeamSpeak 3 Servers (custom control panel)(VoIP hosting away from your home)
-Domains (a uniqe name instead of a public IP adress)
All our services has 24/7 uptime guarantee as well as automated setup. As soon as your payment is placed, your order will be activated and ready to be used.
You can check the online status of our servers on our website. This is good if your service is unavailable you can check that on the status page before contacting support. If your service is unavailable and the servers are all online, it's related to your service and it will be fixed as soon as possible if it is a technical issue.
Use the code 20OFF to get 20% off your first order on webhosting if your hosting is paid on a yearly basis. Works one time per order per customer.
If you have any questions, we are available 24/7/365 on tickets. LiveChat times are not 24/7/365 online. If we are not online, submit a ticket and we will respond as soon as we can.
Quick Links:
IncHosts Homepage
Order Domains
Order Webhosting
Order Minecraft Servers
Order TeamSpeak 3 Servers
Contact us
(none of these links have any ads, they are going directly to our website)
We offer a 7 day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with your service.
Thank you for reading and we hope that you will test out our services.