- 18
- 2024
- 1
2.4.3 Solocraft + Playerbot Repack
by Siqqz
by Siqqz
The server is already configured to play directly. If necessary, the changes can simply be made in the configs.
[X] Known Issues :
- Switching BG while beeing in a BG crash the server
- Playerbots do not queue up for Arena
- Council on BT get immune phases
*As soon the issues are fixed i will upload a updated version of this repack.
[X] The following modules are integrated in this repack :
+ Auctionhouse bot
+ Playerbots [ ilvl phase 1 tbc changes can be made in the aiplayerbot.conf ]
+ Eluna Engine
+ Solocraft [ already configured ]
[X] The following Scripts are integrated in this repack :
+ Auto-learning-spells
+ Auto-broadcast [ Messages can be changed in /lua_scripts/BROADCAST ]
+ Character Boost to level 70 [ with requiered item 701002 ]
+ Pocket-teleporter [ item 701000 ]
+ Reset-talents [ command .resettalents ]
+ Transmog [ spawned in Stormwind, Orgrimmar and Shattrath ]
+ Individual-XP [ command .xp 0 - 5 ]
+ World-chat [ /1 <your message> ]
+ Starting-guild [ already configured if you want to change leader or name you can change it in the tbccharacters db ]
+ Vault-reward [ weekly reward system depending on your level spawned in Stormwind and Orgrimmar ]
+ Some script fixes for Zulaman and Black Temple.
[X] Access to MySQL :
Host :
Username : root
Password : cmangos
[X] How to start the Server :
1. start application START_MYSQL
2. start application START_REALMD
3. start application START_WORLD
[X] Create account :
Type in START_WORLD console :
.create account <accountname> <password>
[X] Set account to GM
Type in START_WORLD console :
.account set gmlevel <accountname> 3 -1
Siqq Repack 2.4.3.rar
* Clientdata such as dbc, maps, mmaps and vmaps are not included
You must extract them yourself or download them somewhere else and put them into the Core folder.
First start could take a moment till all data for the playerbots has loaded up.
The base of this repack is CMangos
Have fun with the repack.
You must extract them yourself or download them somewhere else and put them into the Core folder.
First start could take a moment till all data for the playerbots has loaded up.
The base of this repack is CMangos
Have fun with the repack.
Discord : https://discord.gg/uGjzgdXU4N
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