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10.1 - Mage - Arcane Missiles lvl 1 bug


Gold Supporter
Heya Guys, another bug to squash ;)

[Class, Faction, Race] Mage, Horde & Aliance, All Races, From Level 1
[Name, Type] Arcane Missile, Arcane Missiles Proc "Aura"
[Problem Description] As a level 1 mage, you get a Arcane Missile Talent proccing, even though you do not own Arcane Missiles ability for it to procc randomly.
[How it should work] Should ONLY work when you have the ability learned. "Each offensive spell you cast has a 40% chance to activate Arcane Missiles", without Arcane Missiles Learned nothing should happen.

Image for proof (sorry for the 3440x1440 res)