In westfall, when you go near to the deadmines, there is a mysterious shadow even when the quest isn't active. The problem is the shadow is always spaming her speech (spamming channels in "shout").
When the quest is active, another mysterious shadow is spawning adding more speech.
It's more a discomfort than a real bug because the quests are working fine in Westfall! (tested by a demonist human).
To repair (i didn't tried) but i suggest : to put the "permanent" shadow in another phase, or to delete her?! (i repeat: i didn't tried a solution .... by fear
When the quest is active, another mysterious shadow is spawning adding more speech.
It's more a discomfort than a real bug because the quests are working fine in Westfall! (tested by a demonist human).
To repair (i didn't tried) but i suggest : to put the "permanent" shadow in another phase, or to delete her?! (i repeat: i didn't tried a solution .... by fear