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1 Suggestion, 1 Bug Report?


Verified Member
Carlisle, PA, USA
So I've been around gaming communities for many many years now. One thing I noticed is vBulletin is honestly not the greatest forum software in the world. I would recommend (Not that you HAVE TO DO THIS!) checking out XenForo.com I used it for several years and probably still have an active license with it. But its for sure my favorite forum software so far.

I also noticed that under the calendar it defaults to December 2017 even when you hit "Today". Might just be a glitchy plugin?


So I've been around gaming communities for many many years now. One thing I noticed is vBulletin is honestly not the greatest forum software in the world. I would recommend (Not that you HAVE TO DO THIS!) checking out XenForo.com I used it for several years and probably still have an active license with it. But its for sure my favorite forum software so far.

I also noticed that under the calendar it defaults to December 2017 even when you hit "Today". Might just be a glitchy plugin?

Good talk!
I agree to some extend that Vbulletin really isn't the best to deal with. It feels quite old-school at some cases, and the backend-part isn't always easy to deal with unfortunately, not to mention that Vbulletin isn't always the best (imo) regarding google / SEO optimization without being a pain in the *** but migrating Emucoach (Vbulletin) to a different CMS software, I believe is a hugee task and I'm not sure if it's worth it (I mean if the pros of switching to a new CMS overtakes the cons), not to mention that Xenforo will require a new member-system/ranking, and probably will lack some of our plugins.

I'll definitely check it out though, it sounds interesting to be honest. Is the license a one-time-payment or renewal, do you remember?


Verified Member
Carlisle, PA, USA
Its actually per year. Renewals aren't bad though. It has importers for vBulletin, but you could test it all with a NULLED version first to see if its even feasible. I really genuinely love XenForo and it was written by developers that had left vBulletin because they didn't want to go for a more proper development cycle and updated looks. I honestly think its the most vB like forum out there that isn't vB, and most if not all things transfer minus themes/custom smileys, etc. But yea they have donation system built in with ranks, and most of the sites surrounding it are designed around VIP ranks and other concepts like that. So its pretty much right up your alley, but vB is a legendary forum system.

I've been testing more open ended ones like Discourse, Flarum, and now testing Codoforum (Just really open boxed idea forums). Since my site primarily uses discord integrated with the site in the past, but also integrated into the game client for FFXI. It just made it easier for us. We had a Battle.net 1.0 bot running also integrated into discord at one point but that got shut down since we were lazy.