Hello everyone:
We are Sunwell-tbc, is recruiting testers, we love World of Warcraft 243, after 2 years of repair of the basic imitation of Blizzard, PVP/PVE/ quest / skill /98%, optimization of load /MMAPS/ skills game and so on, so we now want to shine for everyone to experience our achievements!
PvE content :
instance Karazhan 13/13 perfect
instance Magtheridon's Lair 1/1 perfect
instance Serpentshrine Cavern 6/6 perfect
instance The Eye 4/4 perfect
instance Gruul's Lair 2/2 perfect
instance Hyjal Summit 5/5 perfect
instance Zul'Aman 6/6 perfect
instance Sunwell Plateau 6/6 perfect
All dungeons are fixed
If you suspect us, you can join the test, which is true.。
change/realmlist.txt: SET realmlist
{The website is still changing, so please look forward to it}
We are recruiting:
1/Extension staff: someone that can advertise the server.
1/web designer.
If you want to join, you can contact me
Hello everyone:
We are Sunwell-tbc, is recruiting testers, we love World of Warcraft 243, after 2 years of repair of the basic imitation of Blizzard, PVP/PVE/ quest / skill /98%, optimization of load /MMAPS/ skills game and so on, so we now want to shine for everyone to experience our achievements!
PvE content :
instance Karazhan 13/13 perfect
instance Magtheridon's Lair 1/1 perfect
instance Serpentshrine Cavern 6/6 perfect
instance The Eye 4/4 perfect
instance Gruul's Lair 2/2 perfect
instance Hyjal Summit 5/5 perfect
instance Zul'Aman 6/6 perfect
instance Sunwell Plateau 6/6 perfect
All dungeons are fixed
If you suspect us, you can join the test, which is true.。
change/realmlist.txt: SET realmlist
{The website is still changing, so please look forward to it}
We are recruiting:
1/Extension staff: someone that can advertise the server.
1/web designer.
If you want to join, you can contact me