Cit0day.in – is a service, which allows you getting fresh dumps. All the sites were cracked by our team. It means that everything is generally coming to you directly from us. You won’t find trash, which are popular in sale.
We crack quite a big amount of resources and because of manual processing only the best are stayed. Every week we upload 200 new dumps. We indicate the site, where the base has been taken, so, you can easily ensure in our honor and responsibility.
All the dumps are in the archives and divided into groups: HASH / NOHASH / HASH+NOHASH:
HASH – are dumps in «email : pass» form, where the passwords are encrypted (we can’t decrypt them).
NOHASH – are dumps in «email : pass» form, where the passwords weren’t encrypted
HASH+NOHASH – are dumps in «email : pass» form, where the passwords are encrypted, and we decrypted them successfully.
Another sorting includes such categories, as shopping, adult, games, and 38 another categories.
For getting an access to our service you should leave an application on site Cit0day.in indicating wishful login and contacts.

After leaving an application you’ll be connected with a support for answering your questions and clarification requisites. After paying, you will get information for access in your personal account.

Rules about using our service:
Sale / distribution / sharing dumps are unacceptable – your access would be blocked without possibility of next purchase.
Sale / transmission of an access to personal cabinet are unacceptable - your access would be blocked without possibility of another purchase.
Moreover, there would be blocking of an access in case of suspicious activity without a possibility of recovery! Abusing authors and support is unacceptable – it will cause complete ignoring and blocking an access.
The price would be the same as at the first month in case of passing an extension more than a month (149 usd). We give no returns!
We take the costs of decrypting / shells / hosting / softs /servers / etc, so you just have to use our service and support us with your payment every month, to let our service live. We are interested in a new ideas and constructive critique, for improving the quality of our service.
The price of an access for the first month is 149$.
The price of an access for the further months is 57$.
You need to live a message on Cit0day.in for buying.
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