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» Arena-Tournament x25 RPPVP


Verified Member
Good day or something.

Probably, it's time to make an announcement of the opening of AT. The Web part is still in development and has not been completed (on all sorts of machines for the same reason as long as the server is missing), but nevertheless ...

A bit about the server:

What is Arena-TournamentAT-WoW - platform of development blizzlike WoW mechanics
10 years of professional server experience (and now we decided to open a private project).
Based on private core - RustEmu v2
Professional development team and weekly server updates
A short info:
The project for development lasts for more than a year, and it's impossible to list the work done, so it's only in the rough.
* always actual core with merge with official TC (actual structure of database and etc)
* priority of development in stability and game framework (classes/races abilities/talants)
For example blink, shadowmeld, living bomb, killing spree, vanish and etc
* improved work of LoS
* improved movement generators : work with fear (not stucked, not blinked, not async with speed and et, work with confuse-generator (scatter-shot, polymorph)
* crossfaction BG :
- all possible races for each class
- released work with chat (horde can't understand text from alliance (coded) , and doesn't matter original or fake race you have in this BG
- released work with /wishper chat, player with fake-race can write in PM all players from this Team (for example your original team=alliance and on BG your fake-race Orc (Horde), you can talk with all ppl from your temp-team (orc, tauren and etc)
Also you can write by /whisper anyone from your original faction . For example you playing with friend (by Horde), but on BG you registered as Alliance (you can talk with your friend by /w, but talking on BG by /s will not possible, he just can't understand you (will coded text).
What is AT?
10 years of professional server experience (and now we decided to open a private project)A WotLK RPPVPRealm (3.3.5a)Inspiration: Blizzlike - Item: X 1 Gold X 3 and Experience : x 25Active PvP-Community and actual Arena-Season 8Modern, powerful game serverProfessional development team and weekly server updatesFully functioning Worldevents (for example: The Battle of Lower Town)No game advantages through premium creditWorking Auction botIndividual FeaturesCrossfaction BG (own development)Implemented WarpweaverRewrited all movement systemRewrited game framework

A little you-tube:

How to connect:

Well, the discord:

In addition, as promised, all the players that played earlier on the dedmines, as well as saved, no wipes as it was, will not be
About server policy:
* no intervention of GMs (they simply do not exist)
* no bans, including cheats (try to clean biggrin (no, I'm serious, in case of finding some successful use of the reader, affecting the pvp aspect of the game - even the reward will be given out))
* No tracking of overflows and so on. If there are not enough players - only so long as you can dress, only you need to understand that with the growth of online, the probability will grow that the probability of getting to other players will not be on its overflowers, and the very possibility of "casting" will disappear
* None of the administration will not listen to nagging players: "I've been messing around, and finally it's not good, and it's an iridescent and a bad radish." The only thing you will always be listened to is the error messages that you found and need to be fixed. Players of Deadmines (that waited for start of this project), should remember the similar approach.


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