I play on Athenas a spanish cataclysm server https://cataclysm.athenaswow-project.com/page/connect
Already tried deleting Autoangler without much luck, im downloading another cataclysm client just in case.
Here's the log had to upload to mediafire because the file size was too large for the emucoach server
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cpmc75add5b3t4y/21-01-2022_06_51+p. m.+15036+Log.txt/file
Hey man im having some problems with ProfessionBuddy i already made multiple fresh installations im also running 32 bits wow and directx 9
HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.<get_SupportedTradeSkills>b__9(SkillLine skill) en c:\Users\Carlos\Downloads\Honorbuddy 4.3.4 (HB,Plugins,CR and...