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  1. gabrildraven

    To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest

    I can not say whether or not a cache clear would fix the issue. I simply used the gm command to complete the quest and move on. However you may be right, I only posted here as it was a bug I had run across.
  2. gabrildraven

    To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest

    Redridge Mountains, Alliance, Human To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest You are not able to plant seaforium in the tower or hut, the option to plant is not in the bravo kit When you enter the upper tower or the hut you should be able to plant the seaforium to complete the quest
  3. gabrildraven

    Guild Rep Adjustment

    Hello, I am new to this and have figured out much by going threw the forums and trial and error. However I still can't figure out a way to adjust the rate my character gains Guild Rep. I have seen a few posts regarding this and one person who said he figured it out, although he unfortunately...