Dreaming of playing TBC just as you want?
Don't worry! We got the server for you!
SPP-TBC is running on the latest and greatest Classics Repack, with recent updates from the team. 3-4000 bots online to play with.
Raid, PvP and do Arena to pwn some nubs!
There is currently no donation system up...
ProjectWoTLK is a newly formed Private Server looking for players on our unique PvP Server for Beta Testing!
We are currently running patch 3.3.5 (12340)
Server info:
2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz
Samsung EVO 120GB SSD and 1TB SAS 15k Harddrives
Internet Speed 150/100 ATM...
TBC-Gaming is a newly formed Private Server looking for testers on our blizzlike server!
We are currently running patch 2.4.3 (8606)
Server info:
Intel Core i5 4550K
Samsung EVO 250GB SSD
50/50 Internet speed ATM
Friendly Staff Members!
We are also in need of more Game Masters so please contact...