Search results

  1. Z

    [OPEN BETA]LegendaryWoW OldSchool FunRealm

    Hello Everyone and welcome to the Official advertisement for LegendaryWoW. Now I know that I have posted a couple in the past, but we have taken a different approach and decided to devote our every waking moment to building this old school feel Level 254 FunRealm. Now, this isn't your typical...
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    Legendary WoW 1.12.1 True Blizzlike

    Welcome to the thread for Legendary WoW. We are a strictly blizzlike 1.12.1 wow server. Do you ever just miss the classic wow ? Before all of the extras came into play ? When playing WoW was actually a challenge ? Then come and play wow in its glory days. Server Information : All XP Rates : x1...
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    GamerzNation "For Gamers, By Gamers" - approved by ExO

    FORUMS BACK ONLINE !! ***New Promotional Offer*** The first 30 members will be placed in a special group which will allow instant use of the shoutbox, which is usually obtained with 150 posts or more. This promotion will last until we get the 30 new members. This will only apply to members who...
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    [WTS] Server assistance services.

    Hello everyone, Are you having issues with setting up your server, getting it to even start ? Well I am here to help with that. I will be offering this service to assist others with their issues and get things running for them. This will be a paid service simply because of the time knowledge...
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    A special thanks to everyone.

    Hello everyone, I wanted to thank everyone for allowing me to assist you all as I have thus far and to let all of you know that I have been promoted to moderator of the community and I will not let u down. Special tha is to the staff as well for allowing me to assist the community even more ...
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    What games have you played and which are best in your opinion ?

    I am just curious what all games have been played by the members of this community. I will list mine after someone posts theirs.
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    [WTS] Trusted Middle-Man Services

    Hello Everyone, I haven't done this server for quite some time, but hey, I figured I would offer it to this community as a start. I am a very experienced and reputable Middleman. I can provide proof if needed. I have done Middleman services for numerous transactions, from cd-keys, to game...
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    All Emulator ServerRestarter

    This is something that I use with all of my servers as an autorestarter. All you have to do is download it and put the Realmstarter.exe in the folder with your world and auth.exe's and run it, then its self explanatory after that. Hope you like it and enjoy ...
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    Trinitycore 3.3.5a 5000% Attribute Fun Repack

    Hello Emucoach. Iam here to bring you a fresh new 3.3.5a Trinity Core Re-Pack. Its 5000% attributes, Has World chat system compiled in it, use .chat to use the chat system. Killstreak system, Up-to-date trinity database, All class all race compiled in the core. This Re-Pack has C++ scripts all...
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    suggestion for massive expansion.

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to post my thoughts in on something that may, should I say, broaden your horizons a bit and possibly open your doors to a substantially larger community. Have u guys given any thought to supporting multiple mmo games and various platforms ? Having a section for all...
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    Navicat 8.2 with crack for full version

    Hello everyone . Just thought i would start with a small contribution to the community with releasing this little bit of useful information for others to utilize as they wish. If you are new to the wow private server field, or you would like to get your feet wet in exploring a database, this is...
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    Hey all

    Just stopping in to say hello. Found this community via ac-web. I hope to become an active member here and contribute some of my own knowledge here to the community.