Search results

  1. C

    Orthodox is coming! | 15xp rate | 3.3.5a

    Orthodox WoW | 15xp rate | 3.3.5a Hello People ! About Server: >We decided to start a new server named Orthodox WoW. >Client 3.3.5a. >PvE , PvP , Arenas and much more ! -We're working on improving the Arena experience even more than currently possible, such as Line of Sight and pathing...
  2. C

    Vanilla World - 3.3.5 (Vanilla project) i60

    Vanilla World server running 3.3.5a Wrath of the Lich King Server Informations: - Dedicated 1000/1000 - New fresh start - Active Gamemasters (Online Support) - Instant 60 - Arena level 60 Open - Vote Shop - Custom vendors with some pre gear ! Dungeons: Blackrock Depths - SOLO > Open Upper...
  3. C

    1.12.1 - Vanilla World (instant 60)

    Vanilla World is a uniq Server like no other.. Instant 60 Drop rate 2x Rep rate 4x Online 24/7 Support All Raids are 1-5 players New Items Vote shop Our Own Pvp System Our Own Attuenement for all instance Our Own instance called Uber Raid Anti Cheat All Wings Available. Welcome ! set...