Search results

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    Syndicate - wow recruiting

    We're currently searching for more GM's/ Developers in order to help us build a perfect server! What we're currently in need of are: SQL Developers C++ Developers Game Masters. Do you need experience at being a Game Master? No you don't you can freely apply and still have the same chance of...
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    Revengeful - WoW

    I'd like to represent Revengeful-WoW! a WoW Private Server growing everyday expanding to greater heights! The server currently has to offer a instant 80 server! Fully working classes, working BG's daily options and daily updates and fixes by the Developers/Admins! Revengeful - WoW only...
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    WoWBeez is back!

    WoWBeez Is back to It's full Glory! We have managed to re-create Beez, but this time even better! We currently have 2 realms up both are 3.3.5. one Progressive PVE and the other one PVP! We offer: Fixes everyday, No lag, Daily fixes, Active Staff Members (almost 24/7, we are looking for more...
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    Currently issues with Emucoach Hamachi

    I've been checking and downloading emucoach its repack, and its working perfect but when i try to do it with Hamachi its suddenly stops working for some reason people can't join the server, but i can.. Please help