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  1. T

    Always here, a good return in wow emu !! :):cool:

    Always here, a good return in wow emu !! :):cool:
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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Honestly, it's a good sandbox but imo, the sppV2 is more debugged. ?
  3. T

    Boss Bug - Deadmines - Helix Gearbreaker

    Same bug in 13.1. What i've done about this : Delete big dumb, and fight Helix (even in his arms, my skills works). ;)
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    4.3.4 (13.1) Pet Spawning MAJOR issue (hunter, warlock, probably DK?)

    Usually, i'm using a /petattack macro with my hunter. Not tested with Warlock ?
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    Welcome ! ??
  6. T

    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    Awesome work, perfect until the next V14 :D (y) Thx mate !!! :p
  7. T

    Hello all.

    Welcome !! And have fun :D (y) ;)
  8. T

    AshamaneCore Legion 7.3.2 [Open-source]

    I had the opportunity to test this repack at the time when it was the basis of the SPP (Single Player Project) repack which has since evolved. This version is stable, works well, but the scripts that allow you to do the quests for the artifact are buggy. No big deal, with GM controls, there is...
  9. T

    Low level quests chains breaks (13.1)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Test carried out with a level 30 Human hunter (leveling with Stormwind rep'). The goal is to make the starting areas of each race to build the reputation of cities (for mounts and other objects). After reached "exalted" with Stormwind, i went th the Elves to begin...
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    Guild challenges

    Hey ! :) With bots, is there a way to activate the weekly Guild challenges (dungeons, raids etc...) ? Maybe a command ? Thx ! ??
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    [4.3.4] Request FR database trad' [SOLVED]

    Hey !! EDIT : Found a way with Fr locales in client ?? Reading english is not a real problem, but do you know a french trad' for the EC repack ? Thx !! :D
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    AzerothCore 3.3.5 repack

    Good job ;) (y)
  13. T

    [RELEASE] ElvUI interface !

    Hey ! I'm using ElvUI for my new WoW experience ; Espacially on small screens (and rez', mine is 1366x768 on a laptop), it's very fun and the game is like a movie :p Here's the link to the addon : ElvUI Cataclysm 4.3.4 You can find screens of original config on Github ;) Now, my UI ...
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    [RELEASE] WoD HD models for 4.3.4

    Hey mates ! I always liked using HD versions of the PC/NPC/Mobs in WoW 3.3.5a (now there is a lot of great conversion patches with all models converted). Now that I'm on Cata, I started looking for a similar alternative ; Unfortunately, nothing very complete except this patch. The dwarves have...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Ok thx :D ! Like old Legion repacks i think ; And they did resources optimizations on their BfA repack. I'll make a test on the free repack to see if the computer is ok. ;) Have fun !! EDIT : Ok, repack tested ; The server don't consume muche ram (~800Mb at start), but the BfA client...1,5Go...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Hi team ! Fast work, it's amazing ! I have a technical question ; - After my few characters on the ExO Cataclysm repack, I wanted to switch to Legion, but I see the work on BfA is much more advanced. Your work on this is enviable (even if I'm less fan of this extension). I have an old...
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    Bacon or Sausage?

    Sausages. ?
  18. T

    [Release] Zygor guide 434 ? !

    Ok thx, i post the mega link and delete mine by security ??