Search results

  1. neccta

    How to use Forge for TrinityCore

    How to Install TrinityCore using Forge. All commands are case-sensitive! You can copy and paste each command in the console. If you don't know how to paste into the console see the FAQ. You can download Forge here. Type the command - Download.All x86 Or if you have a 64-bit OS you can use...
  2. neccta

    Forge for Windows - A TrinityCore Environment Setup

    Forge is an easy command-line tool to get you up and running with any branch or version of TrinityCore. Features: Downloads, installs and configures all required software without the hassle. Clones, updates, and builds any TrinityCore source. Download: Here For beginners looking to compile...
  3. neccta

    Cobalt, A TrinityCore Database Manger

    Cobalt is a database manager for the TrinityCore emulator. Currently it is still early in development but I'd like to share the current version to those brave enough to test it. I'd really appreciate it if you would give any feedback and bug reports. Thanks ;) Requirements: .NET 4.5 and a...
  4. neccta

    Merge All SQL queries

    I thought I would share this quick and easy solution for updates. If you've ever installed a fresh database from TrinityCore you'll quickly find out that you'll need to apply lots of updates. To merge all updates into one file open CMD type "cd C:\user\TrinityCore\sql\updates\world" then type...
  5. neccta

    Wrath Client

    I didn't install a CD-Drive into my newest computer and thus I can't use my Wrath of the Lich King CD's like I normally do to install WoW. Does anyone know where I can get the 3.3.5a client, no strings attached. Also I prefer not using a torrent. Thanks ;)
  6. neccta

    Growing the Community

    I think that it goes without saying that we would all like to see this forum get bigger and have a strong community behind it; but getting there is challenging. This is only a suggestion but I believe it would kill two birds with one stone. Start a community 4.3.4 server. It doesn't need to be...
  7. neccta

    4.3.4 Addons

    Deadly Boss Mods Dominos Titan Panel Bartender4 HealBot Gladius Recount Omni-CC More to come soon.
  8. neccta

    [OFFICIAL] A Guide for New Users

    What is TrinityCore? TrinityCore is a MMORPG Framework based mostly in C++. It is derived from MaNGOS, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project with extensive changes over time to optimize, improve and cleanup the codebase at the same time as improving...
  9. neccta

    EmuCoach Repack Installer

    EmuCoach InstallShield This new version is a complete overhaul of the entire application. Rather than using an executable to download the repack the application is now an installer and already has the files packed inside. The user can then install the program like he or she would on any other...
  10. neccta


    Hello my name is Neccta I've been playing with World of Warcraft emulation for 7 years. I find it extremely fun and enjoyable. I'm happy to be here, I always love helping others. I'm well rounded in everything except C++ so if you need help give me a shout.
  11. neccta

    Scale Items by Percentage

    This query is very helpful when you want to take premade items made by Blizzard but keep the scaling and balance between the items. It will reduce an items stats, damage, and armor by percentage. You can change the percentage by a simple search and replace(*-.70). To use it just set the...
  12. neccta

    Azure-WoW | 49 Twink & Level 60 | PvE & PvP | Custom Content

    We have a new custom PvP 49 twink server called War Games (This is in Beta) This server has: - Custom Guild Houses - Guild Leveling System - Transmogrification - Cross Faction Battlegrounds - Beastmaster - Custom Weapons - New Zones - World PvP - Professions You must have the patch to play...