Funny Glitch - Eel attacked me in the water of redridge and I swam to shore and was running with it chasing and biting at me. Thankfully a guard assisted in killing it for me as I took shortcut after getting flight point to get to town and was attacked and figured once I exit the water I'm safe...
Searched before posting this here and didnt see any suggestions on how to fix this. Not sure if its a source code issue or missing database entry requiring a database patch of a query run etc, but when using the emucoach MOP repack with my level 10 human warlock and transform with Metamorphosis...
Discovered that you can Boost Guild Rep by trading water with Gerard Tiller for 183 to 184 per water traded per apple. However only 1 character per account can do this as all other characters will trade and no rep once one of the characters is exalted. I didnt see if I can use multiple...
Thank you all for your help. The fix in the end ended up being using a different clean MOP 5.4.8 client. The client download from stormforge for use with their online wow server appears to be patched somehow that makes it incompatible with this repack. However the clean client of MOP 5.4.8...
Still unable to connect. I thought maybe lets try making an account name with email as thats what client normally would get for user and still same issue. Does MOP require a launcher vs starting it from the normal EXE to start WOW similar to the launcher required for a Cata build that without it...
4 years old around christmas 1979 it was first console play on an Intellivision that an older cousin had with Space Invaders. My first computer game played on a computer was Oregon Trail on a Apple II computer in elementary school sometime in 1985. And then the library had an IBM 5150 8088 with...
Hello all. Found my way here when looking to play sandbox of WOW MOP 5.4.8
Hoping someone will be able to point me in the right direction with an authentication issue I have for MOP 5.4.8 where the auth and server are running but there seems to be a handshake issue between client and...
Apache & MySQL running + Auth and World services are running, and able to look at the database with heidiSQL. Created a user account as user1 with password of user1 and successful. Verified this in HeidiSQL. Game client is MOP 5.4.8 repack version from Stormforge which works fine on their...