Search results

  1. M

    Looking for a repack!

    Also would be nice to have playerbots so i can do arenas and bg's basically i want to be able to do EVERYTHING without needing anyone other than my friends and family
  2. M

    Looking for a repack!

    Would love to have some pets working and probably have it be legion honestly. Not sure where the links are for emucoachs or anything either though
  3. M

    Looking for a repack!

    Anyone have a good legion repack or any other ones that have really well working pets? i cant find the links for downloading the Single player project one otherwise id do that. Their links broken though
  4. M

    Connection issue

    Having an issue where i cant connect to my own server but everyone else can, all my friends and family can but i cant from the computer im hosting it on. If i set the ip to the local ip everyone can connect (besides people outside our network obviously) but then nobody else outside our router...
  5. M

    Want to lerarn how to add missing Battle Pets to Server

    having the same issue and havent got any actual helpful replies.... I just want to add my own damn battle pets lol. Wouldnt mind putting in the time and work to add them all myself but i cant get them to work...
  6. M

    Pet help!

    Well not sure if anyone is able to help but anyways what i tried doing was this....; I grabbed a rabbit (pet battle variant) and did .npc info and then spawned in another rabbit (non pet battle) and set his flag, faction and level and it makes the noise when i click on him to pet battle but wont...
  7. M

    Pet help!

    So i posted awhile ago about battle pets and wasnt really given any help. curious if anyone is able to help us yet, ive learned that alot of the battle pets are placed into the world but arent "battle pets" everytime i change their flags correctly and attempt to change their factions i am able...
  8. M

    Battle pet help please

    anyone have any advice?
  9. M

    Battle pet help please

    Sorry also forgot to say that i spawned in the starter NPC for the questline to start it and force gave myself the quest and i couldnt interact with her and turn in the quest or start it/fight her :/ Id be okay with the quest lines not working if i could just figure out how to fix the pets...
  10. M

    Battle pet help please

    I run a server for about 10 people including myself and we all LOVE the battle pets, everything about them! But sadly the quest lines dont work and half the pets are missing in the world :( does anyone know how to spawn in a battle pet? is it similar to an npc? Ive already grabbed the pet ID'S...