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  1. kaiba121321

    BFA Free Repack

    EDIT: I am a dingus, the HoA works fine, I was impatient. Seriously considering paying for this unlocked, while I may not be competant, I can at least archive an unlocked version for future use by someone that has the capability, hell if I have to hire a dev team for a fully working BfA...
  2. kaiba121321

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Could've taken down the thread then, instead of wasting ppl's time, but with the amount of trash talking toward other repacks and general rudeness that was coming from the team involved with this in the other thread, I'm really not surprised.
  3. kaiba121321

    LegionCore 7.3.5 Repack - Version 2020_04_25_Final

    "We all should remember that world of warcraft is just a game for children, nothing more." While this probably isn't the place for me to be commenting on this, it's also not really the place for you to have posted it to begin with. Games are not for children, they're for everyone... and I...
  4. kaiba121321

    BFA Free Repack

    I totally understand that man, considering you're just providing free stuff, and I wasn't complaining I just found it an odd choice, you're still providing stuff for free so I don't see too big of an issue with it. But here's a better idea, put a link to a preview, and a download link. Most...
  5. kaiba121321

    4.3.4 Machinima Tool & Source Code

    Nvm I found a link with all 3 versions, 2.4.3, 3.3.5 and 4.3.4
  6. kaiba121321

    4.3.4 Machinima Tool & Source Code

    The link is down, can you reupload please
  7. kaiba121321

    BFA Free Repack

    I really wish threads with dead links would be deleted. Just noticed you've updated it with a dl link on a YT video but the question is why not just update it here :/ odd choice, but alright.