Invite was posted in this thread.
Been playing repack for a few days, and so far all is good. there are some bugs with quests etc. But just use gm cmds to complete or give items required.
.lookup quest "quest name"
.complete quest "quest id from previous...
Make sure you edit bnetserver.conf to have your server IP. see example is my local wow server address
# LoginREST.Port
# Description: TCP port to reach the REST login method.
# Default: 8081
# LoginREST.ExternalAddress
# Description: IP address...
Did you make sure the local address is set to the same IP of the computer that is hosting the server. Also make sure game client has the correct IP (\Data\enUS\ I use HeidiSQL to change IP of server.
Where did you get update 4 from?
Hi, I had this all working perfectly, created an account, logged in and created a character, all was well. Now getting the attached error. any ideas?
I got this server up and going. last update I installed was the "SPP-Update69-Year-3-V2-Legion" It's been a while since I've touched this stuff but I could never get the auto attack working on my character, not sure if it's my client or the repack. Does anyone know if this is still been...
It's standalone, no need to install sql.
There shoudl be a guide somewhere around here. But I just use these commands
account create name password
then set the GM level: account set gmlevel name 3 1