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    Having trouble with Druids on WoW? Not sure what to do with them? Read this out to find out how you can do better then you currently are!
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    WoW beginner's guide

    Here is a link I found to an awesome site that has a Beginner's guide for WoW! It would be good to have for all those beginner's out there. Check it out!
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    Pest to Perk?

    I dunno about you guys but the scarecrow smack dab in the middle of my cozy plot of farmland is not only taking virmen and hawk bribes to look the other way but actively tries to trip me up every dang time I get near it! Worse than useless, he's a malicious nuisance and some days I just want...
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    WoW Themed Wedding

    I thought they did such a good job on the cosplay that it needed to be shared. The lighting helped a lot too for the effect.
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    Raid Awareness is a Learned and Practiced Skill

    Amazing article that is well worth the read. I really like the part about being able to recall specific actions on a boss. Especially for the first kill of a boss, the timing of everything becomes...
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    The Return of Seal Twisting!?

    Celestalon *BLAME CELESTALON* has mentioned on his twitter that HOTR is activated by switching to SoR, and that Seals are on the GCD, which means that Paladins, at this stage, are being considered to be required to do Stance Dancing/Seal Twisting and losing GCDs to boot. I thought we had moved...
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    The music

    Do you like the music in WoW? Can it be better? I think the music is great for the most part. It can be intense when your in certain situations but it builds up the excitement of the game.
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    The things you hate about WoW and wish to make better

    We all love WOW. There are always things that are not perfect and needs to be changed. What are some things you hate most about WoW that you wish would be better?
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    Windows 7 & WoW: missing cursor with Hardware Cursor

    Has anyone else encountered a missing cursor in WoW in Windows 7? While the cursor does not move, the mouse still registers a highlight when hovered over a button, but you cannot see or track invisible cursor icon. Temporarily, the fix is to disable the Hardware Cursor setting, but that leads...
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    How is everyone!? I came across this forum while searching for forums and thought it looks really nice so here I am! I love the theme to this forum! well done! I'm a chef at a restaurant. I love to cook! Ladies love it too! :D I enjoy playing video games, sports, reading, board games, and just...